
Prof. Sibongile Mpofu

Prof. Sibongile Mpofu

Associate Professor

PhD. Journalism (Stellenbosch University, RSA), MA Journalism (University of Westminster, UK), BA Media Studies (ZOU, Zim), ND Mass Communication (Harare Poly, Zim).

Email: [email protected]

Dr Sibongile Mpofu is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. She teaches strategic communication courses in the postgraduate program. Her areas of specialization are: Journalism; Strategic Communications and Gender. She is a Fulbright Fellow and former business journalist with more than 9 years of experience in Zimbabwe’s mainstream media. Her research interests include gender and the political economy of digital media spaces; feminist political thought; contemporary critical theory; journalism education and strategic communication.

Selected publications:

Sibongile Mpofu (2022) Digital Media and Discursive Contestation: The Importance of Feminist Counterpublics, Communicatio, 48:4, 1-18,

Sibongile Mpofu (2022) “I’m Described as Good Journalist Because I Am ‘Tough’”: How Femininity Is Still Considered a Weakness in Zimbabwean Newsrooms, African Journalism Studies, 43:3, 30-50

Sibongile Mpofu (2018) Women’s Voices Online and the Emergence of Lived Realities as Distinct Political Behaviour: A Womanist Approach to Selected Zimbabwean Blogs, African Journalism Studies, 39:1, 4-26



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