
Mr. Paradzai Matuka


Position:  Lecturer

Email address: [email protected]


Paradzai Matuka has been in academia for 4 years, having joined the University in 2022 as a Part-time lecturer while working for Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund (ZIMDEF) a State Enterprises under the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology for 11 years. Before being a full-time lecturer, Paradzai worked as a part-time lecturer then temporary full time lecturer in the department of Finance, now Department of Finance and Fiscal Sciences Department as a lecturer. He is also an external examiner for Bulawayo Polytechnic. He was an examiner of a professional institute then Chartered Institute of Secretaries (CIS).  Paradzai is the current Chairman in Bulawayo, of the Chartered Governance and Accountancy Institute of Zimbabwe (CGAlZ) which was called CIS and a Board Member of two privately owned schools. He is a Registered Public Accountant (RPacc(Z)), a Registered Tax Accountant and Tax Agent (RTacc), Estate Administrator and Insolvency Practitioner (EAIP) and Commissioner of Oaths.

Academic Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy candidate (DPhil) Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT), Zimbabwe

MSc. Fiscal Studies, NUST, Zimbabwe

MBA Graduate School of Business, NUST, Zimbabwe

BCom (Hons) in Fiscal Studies, NUST, Zimbabwe

PGDM NUST, Zimbabwe

HND in Accountancy HEXCO, Bulawayo Polytechnic, Zimbabwe

ND in Accountancy, Bulawayo Polytechnic, Zimbabwe

Professional Qualifications

Chartered Governance Professional Accountant

Chartered Governance Professional

Courses Taught

Audit Principles and Skills

Audit Investigation and Practice 2

Audit Investigation and Practice and Investigation 1

Customs Management 2

Research interests

Entrepreneurship development and Economic and fiscal matters. 

Taxation and tax planning and Statutory auditing

Financial interpretation and governance strategy


Community Service Engagement

Paradzai actively participates in community engagement. In addition to the Lecturing in the Department, he attaches university students in their family business. He is an SMEs consultant for the informal sector and diaspora business formalisation and legal compliance. He registered the with the relevant government departments. Paradzai is a board member of some private organisation. He certifies documents for the community.


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