Engineer Lovemore Gunda
- Courses: 0
- Website: https://www.nust.ac.zw/engineering
E-mail : [email protected], [email protected],
Cell: +263 773 648 100
Professional Qualifications
1. Master of Engineering Degree in Electronic Engineering, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives
2. Bachelor of Engineering Honours Degree in Electronic Engineering, NUST, Byo, Zim
3. Further Education Trainer’s Certificate (FETC) , HEXCO, Zimbabwe
Professional Institute Membership
Member: Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers, ZIE
Engineering Disciplines of Specialty
Power electronics, electrical machine drives, electrical and electronic measurements, instrumentation and control, power systems simulation and modeling and renewable energy power systems.
Journal/Conference Publications
- L Gunda, E. Chikuni , H. Tazvinga , J. Mudare (2021) . “Estimating wind power generation capacity in Zimbabwe using vertical wind profile extrapolation techniques: A case study,”. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Volume 32 Number 1, February 2021
- Gunda , E. Chikuni , H. Tazvinga , J. Mudare (2021). “Optimization of a Solar-Wind Hybrid Power System using HOMER,” BUIRC.
- Gunda , E. Chikuni , H. Tazvinga , J. Mudare (2021) . “Application of Matlab/Simulink in Design, Modeling and Simulation of a Solar-Wind Hybrid Power System,”. BUIRC.
- Edwin Muvandi and Lovemore Gunda, “Design of an electronic soil nutrient analysis system to enhance agricultural planning”. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology (ZJST), 14. pp 1116-122, 2019. [Available online at https://www.nust.ac.zw/zjst/index.php/volume-14-2019]
- Kingmore A Chipwanya and Lovemore “Multi-storey Car Parking System (MACPS): Towards Smart City Parking”. Proceedings of the 12th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium, Harare, February 2019. ISBN Number: 978-1-77906-593-3, pp 39
- L Gunda and Malvern Dongeni. “Intelligent Interactive System for E-Learning”, EAI International Conference for Research, Innovation and Development for Africa, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, June 2017. ISBN: 978-1-63190-160-7. [Available online: http://eudl.eu/doi/10.4108/eai.20-6-2017
- Svetlana Bebova, Lovemore Gunda, Stephen Mudere and Magripa “Field Programmable Gate Array Based Variable Speed Drive for a Three Phase Induction Machine”. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology (ZJST), Vol. 11. pp 132-141, 2016. [Available online at http://www.nust.ac.zw/zjst/index.php/volume-11-2016]
- Magripa Nleya, Lovemore Gunda, Zvirevo Chisadza and Dr Mercy “Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management System (IMSWMS)”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Innovation in Science and Engineering (RISE’2016), Mauritius, March 2016. ISBN: 978-93-84422-91-2
- L Gunda and N “Brush-DC Equivalent Control Based Delta Modulation for a PWM Inverter-fed Nine Phase Induction Machine Drive”. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Sevilla, Spain, March 2015.
- L Gunda and N Gule. “Experimental Evaluation of Delta Modulation for PWM Nine- Phase Inverter with a Trapezoidal Reference Current Waveform”. Presented at SAUPEC Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa. 2015.
- Nhenga-Mugarisanwa, L.Gunda, F.T. Mangwanda and A.M. Gwebu. “An Internet-based Point-Of-Betting (IPOB) for Lotto Punters”. SAIIE26 Procedings, Muldersdrift, South Africa, 2014.
- L Gunda and N “Simulation of Delta modulated PWM-fed BDCE Controlled Nine Phase Induction Machine Drive,” Presented at SAUPEC Conference, Durban, South Africa. 2014.
- Givemore Tasara, Magripa Baktigalievna Nleya and Lovemore Gunda. “RFID Automated Library Management System”. Congress Proceedings of the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE). 53-63. 2014
- Lovemore Gunda, Zedekiah M Nyathi, Lungile Nyanga, Fredrick Nkiwane, Samson “Telemetric Data Logger and Monitor for Mining Vehicles,” SAIIE25 Proceedings, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 2013.
- Lovemore Gunda, Lee Masuka, Reginald Gonye, Samson Mhlanga and Lungile “RFID Based Automatic Tollgate System (RATS),” CIE42 Proceedings, Cape Town, South Africa. 2012.
- L Gunda, S Mhlanga and E “Computer Based Heat Treatment Process Control,”Presented at ZIE 6th International Conference, Mutare, Zimbabwe. 2011.