
Mr Reginald Gonye

Mr Reginald Gonye



E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Phone: +263 292 282842 ext. 2212

Mobile: +263 77 2458 124


Master of Philosophy in Electronic Engineering, 2010, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering, 2004, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe

Research Interests

  • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
  • Control and Automation


i. Mtunzi, B., Chamisa., M., Nyath Z.M., Gonye R. and Mugarisanwa, F.N., (2016). Centralized incubator control system. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology Vol (11), pp 12-27. e-ISSN 2409-0360.


i. Lovemore Gunda, Lee Masuka, Reginald Gonye, Samson Mhlanga and LungileNyanga. “RFID Based Automatic Tollgate System (RATS),” CIE42 Proceedings, Cape Town, South Africa. 2012.



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