
BCom in Business Management

BCom in Business Management

BCom in Business Management
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • Skill level
  • $600
  • 01 August 2024Admission Deadline




Module Code

Module Name




CAC1112  CBU1102





Financial Accounting for Business                                        

Business Communication                                                 

Business Law

Principles of Management                        

Quantitative Analysis for Business                                          Conflict Transformation & Leadership                                 







Total Credits Year I Semester I









CAC 1212

Principles of Marketing                                         

Principles of Economics                                                     

Business Ethics                                                              

Introduction to Computers                                                

Training and Development                                                

Financial Accounting for Business                                      







Total Credits Year I Semester II


Total Credits Year I










Human Resources Management                                        

Business Information Systems                                           

Family and Small Business Management                             

Industrial and Labour Relations                             

Business Finance                                               

Company Law and Practice                      







Total Credits Year II Semester I










Labour Law                                                       

Business Research Methods                                             

Reward Management                                                      

Purchasing & Supply Chain Management                

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice                    

Public Sector Management                                               







Total Credits Year II Semester II


Total Credits Year II



I & II


Work Related Learning Continuous Assessment

Wok Related Learning Report



Total Credits Year III









Marketing Management                                                   

Strategic Organisational Design                             

Strategic Management                                         

Entrepreneurship II                                                              

Change Management                                                      









Year IV Semester I Total Credits










Project Management                                                       

International Business Management                       

Organisational Behaviour                                     

Corporate Governance                                        

Production and Operations Management                 

Research Project                                                            







Year IV Semester II Total Credits


Total Credits Part IV


Overall Credits for the Programme




CAC1112 - Financial Accounting for Business

This module is intended to equip the student with the necessary skills which should enable the student to apply the basic principles of accounting and keep proper records required to ascertain the financial results and financial position of the sole proprietors and non-profit organisations, as well as prepare proper books from incomplete records. The Module covers at the basic accounting equation, the double entry system, inventory valuation, the trial balance, Books of original entry, capital expenditure and revenue expenditure, depreciation of non-current assets, bad debts and provisions for bad debts, accruals and prepayments, control accounts, suspense accounts.


CIN1110 - Business Law

This module will help the students to understand the origination of the Zimbabwean Law and the basic elements of legal rules which affect the country’s business environment. It considers the principles of commercial law and relevant cases, statutes and authorities applicable in the country.  This module will also assist students to be able to offer simple solutions to business problems in a clear and logical manner and to be able to apply legal rules to given factual situations. The Module introduces students to the General principles of Law and its interpretation.  The Module covers nature of the Law, sources of Zimbabwe Law, contract Law, Law of purchase and sale and Law agency. This module will also help students to further develop their understanding of the Zimbabwean commercial law and the basic elements of legal rules which affect the country’s business environment. It also delves into the further principles of commercial law and relevant cases, statutes and authorities applicable to Zimbabwe. The module covers law of negotiable instruments, securities, partnerships, and delist. The module also introduces company law from its formation to management stages.


CIN1106 - Quantitative Analysis for Business

The purpose of the Module is to provide a comprehensive exposition of basic mathematical concepts that are used in the business world.  The main thrust of the Module will be on application of mathematical tools to business decision making processes. The Module will cover time value of money calculations, measures of central tendency, measures of position, measures of dispersion, theory of probability, random variables and their distributions, Bernoulli distribution, binomial distribution, poison distribution, geometric distribution, exponential normal distributions, chi-square distribution T–test distribution, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, test of association and goodness of fit, regression analysis and correlation, analysis of variance, time series analysis, introduction of non-parametric statistics, index numbers.

CBU1102 - Business Communication

The module focuses on introduction to Business Communication including definitional perspectives, implications of definition on communication process, one way versus two way communication, barriers to communication, types of communication, organisational communication, communication systems; oral communication encompassing interviews and types of interviews; meetings and types of meetings; negotiation; oral messages including format of an oral report, beginning, middle and end of talk, presenting the talk,  or report, speaker’s credibility, achieving credibility as well as using the telephone effectively; group communication in relation to small informal groups, friendship groups, work groups, formal groups; communication channels and media encompassing written communication, oral communication as well as factors influencing choice of media; non-verbal communication encompassing kinesics, physical posture, proxemics, paralinguistic; written communication and the internet.


CBU1108 - Principles of Management

Principles of Management introduce students to the general management concepts. It mainly covers the issues like the nature of management, the evolution of management, Managerial environments, managing change, staffing as a management function, Motivating and Rewarding employees, Leadership and Management, Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Productivity and Total Quality Management.


CTL1101 - Conflict Transformation and Leadership

The thrust of the course is understanding peace and conflict; theories of conflict; conflict analysis and tools; economic roots of conflict; gender and conflict; leadership; leadership and conflict handling mechanisms; women in leadership; leadership ethics; interplay: leadership, conflict and development.


CBU1202 - Business Ethics

The module examines the history and development of business Ethics by highlighting some models of moral behaviour and how they could be related to various situations in the business world. It explores the variant ethical theories such as utilitarianism, deontological ethics, and egoism. The Module also seeks to expose students to critical thinking necessary in resolving moral dilemmas vis-à-vis the most pressing ethical issues in business such as fraud, insider trading, whistle blowing and many others. The Module is an application of ethical theories to issues related to business.


CBU1203 - Introduction to Computers

This course is intended to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of computers.  It is hoped that students will develop an understanding of basic concepts in information and communication technology.  The course will also equip students with knowledge of computer hardware and software. The students will also develop an appreciation of the use of internet and computers in educational and management research.


CBU1206 - Training and Development

The module covers foundational aspects of Training and Development, the training and development process, the context and environment of training and development, the role of the trainer, marketing the training function; employee behaviour and performance; motivation theories in training and development; principles concerned with learning techniques; the needs analysis process; levels of needs analysis; training objectives, designing the training programme; the lesson plan; implementing the  training programme; off-the-job training and on-the-job training, developmental training methods as well as limitations of traditional training methods; definition of transfer of training and barriers to transfer of training, training evaluation encompassing evaluation design, levels of training evaluation as well as criteria for evaluating training, the benefits of training including improving job performance, learning is reduced, improved attitudes, reduction of labour turnover and absenteeism, less supervision, improved recruitment and enhancement of employees skills etc.


CBA1208 - Principles of Economics

Principles of Economics are intended to offer students a general understanding of how the general economy operates. It introduces students to the microeconomics issues like the basic methodologies to economics like economic models, fallacies, basic economic problem of scarcity, choice, and opportunity costs. Students are also expected to learn the behaviour of economic agents especially the consumer behaviour, firm behaviour (the cost and production theory). Students are also supposed to learn macroeconomic aspects that include national output determination under a closed economy and open economy assumptions, money and banking sector, macroeconomic problems of inflation and unemployment, external sector and exchange rate regimes.


CMK1209 - Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing introduce students to be key marketing concepts that they will cover in-depth in subsequent specialized marketing modules. It will familiarize students with marketing mix elements (product, pricing, promotion and distribution) enhance student’s environmental analysis techniques and introduce them to strategy formulation.



CAC1212 - Financial Accounting for Business

The Module covers incomplete records, receipts and payments accounts, income and expenditure accounts, manufacturing accounts, departmental accounts, joint venture accounts.


CFI2110 - Business Finance

This module enables you to understand the nature and characteristics of alternatives sources of finance available to an organization.  It develops a critical awareness of the theoretical and practical aspects of investment and other financial management decisions, both inside and outside of organizations, and an appreciation of the theoretical and empirical considerations relevant to understanding the behaviour of capital markets and developments in asset valuation models.


CIN2126 - Company Law and Practice

The module aims to enable students to obtain a legal working knowledge of corporate enterprises.  They should be able to apply acquired knowledge, skills and display professional competence as expected of accountants, in the decision-making process relating to company secretarial functions and advise on legality of actions and decisions taken by management and the board of directors’


CBU2103 - Human Resources Management

This module aims to equip students with knowledge on the processes of recruiting, selecting, inducting employees, providing orientation, imparting training and development, appraising the performance of employees, deciding compensation and providing benefits, motivating employees, maintaining proper relations with employees and their trade unions, ensuring employees safety, welfare and health measures in compliance with labour laws of the land.


CBU2112 - Business Information Systems

This module introduces students to business information systems and its functions. It will introduce students to information systems, management systems and marketing information systems ensure students are aware of BIS components and database and examine the relationship between BIS, decision making process and gaining competitive advantage over competitors.


CBU2113 - Family and Small Business Management

The module is intended to promote understanding of the nature of family businesses, their contribution to the economy and society, the distinctiveness of family owner managed and entrepreneurial styles of management, the problems faced by family businesses, and how these problems can be overcome. The module addresses the management of established family business. It examines succession, values, life cycles, marketing strategies, conflict resolution, communications, legal and financial aspects, estate planning, governance and other topics that uniquely touch family business management. It will convey the characteristics that differentiate family business from other businesses. The module explores and analyses family business continuity challenges and best management practices.



CBU2114 - Industrial and Labour Relations

This module is targeted to equip students with the following: understanding of the employment relationships, understanding and appreciation of the origins of industrial relations and the worker problem, understanding of theoretical issues behind the collective bargaining role of trade unions.


CBU2207 - Labour Law

Nature of labour law, Labour Act, NSSA Regulations, Factories and Works Act, Labour regulations etc.


CBU2209 - Business Research Methods

Business Research Methods is based on a proactive approach to the management of business information and the application of that information to business decisions. If done properly business research can provide you with valuable insights concerning markets, customers, products, organisational resources and business strategy. If done incorrectly, research methods can provide the decision maker with a false sense of validity and integrity, leading to misguided and costly decisions. It will ensure students can: address a management decision problem and a business research problem, and discuss the differences between them, plan, conduct and interpret a focus group, create a strategy for increasing survey response rates, differentiate between situations that call for survey, and situations that call for observational research, create and conduct a small survey, scale and questionnaire techniques, recommend the best sampling technique for different situations and defend that recommendation, create a frequency distribution and a cross-tabulation, conduct basic statistical analysis on the data, and summarize the results in clear language and write a business  research report.


CBU2211 - Reward Management

The module analyses the concept of Reward, the Total Reward model, the link between Performance and reward, the Reward Strategy, Reward management in a hyper-inflationary environment as well as International issues in reward management.


CBU 2212 - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

The thrust of the course is on the nature of purchasing function, purchasing principles, purchasing models, inventory (stores) management systems, role of purchasing in achieving competitive edge, supply chain management fundamentals; supply chain management and organisational competitiveness, procurement methods, negotiation approaches; supplier evaluation, expediting, contractual obligations, international buying, corporate purchasing, performance measurement, supply chain partnerships, supply chain challenges and strategies.


CBU2213 - Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

This module provides student with the tools to identify opportunities, how to screen the various opportunities, developing a business concept, translating ideas into business opportunities, financing a business, growing a business, the management team and harvesting of a business. Thus, the module focuses on ways in which entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, generate ideas, and organize resources to plan successful ventures that enable them to achieve their goals. Students will create a business plan for a student-run business. Through hands-on experiences, students will have opportunities to develop the values, traits, and skills most often associated with successful entrepreneurs. By the end of this module, students will be able to; analyse the characteristics and contributions of enterprising people; compare the characteristics and contributions of various entrepreneurs; assess their personal entrepreneurial and enterprising prospective; analyse various methods of generating ideas and identifying opportunities to satisfy needs and wants; and generate realistic novel ideas and identify possible opportunities for a student-run business.


CBU2214 - Public Sector Management

The coverage of the course includes; the nature of public sector management; private and public sector contrasted; participation and involvement in public sector; public sector managers and pressure for more efficiency and effectiveness; coping with limited resources in face if increased public expectations for improved quality of service; issues of common interest to public sector managers; transforming the public sector, research in public sector management.


CBU3001 - Work-Related Learning

This is the third year of the students when they go for attachment for at least eight months.


CBU4108 - Marketing Management

The course focuses on empowering students with skills on how to manage marketing processes and activities to effectively support achievement of strategic objectives while providing students with marketing tools and analytical skills necessary to apply key concepts to practical business situations. Concepts covered include foundational aspects of marketing management, the marketing environment, products and services strategies, new product development and product life cycle concept, pricing products and services, distribution strategies, marketing communication strategies, understanding the market, competitor analysis and competitive strategies as well as strategic marketing management.


CBU4111 - Strategic Organisational Design

The course focuses on effective organisational structural configurations in organisations with special emphasis on innovative organisational forms that can provide strategic advantage. Further, the focus is on decisions that have to be made on the most appropriate organisational structure(s) to ensure orgamisational efficiency and effectiveness as well as enhanced adaptive capacity. The course also focuses on how an organisation’s culture, values and environment support and enhance organisational performance and adaptability. Special emphasis will also be placed on innovative organisational forms that haven’t yet been proven but that may, in the future, provide sign significant competitive.


CBU4114 - Strategic Management

Strategic management is a managerial module which delves much into the long-term/strategic management tasks of organizations. The module aims to give students a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of higher level management. It focuses on the roles and responsibilities of the top/general management. The areas covered include: Vision; Mission; Strategic goals; Long-term Strategies; Implementations; Controlling; Closing strategic gaps, Authority and information flow; as well as Deployment of organizational resources.


CBU4115 - Entrepreneurship II

The course focuses on environmental assessment; preparation for a new venture; marketing research for new ventures, financial preparation for entrepreneurship ventures; developing effective business plans; sources of capital for entrepreneurs; assessment and evaluation of entrepreneurial opportunities; strategic planning for emerging ventures; entrepreneurship and the global environment.


CBU4116 - Change Management

This module introduces students to organizational changes and management.  The issues to be covered include: status quo managers versus change agents, ways of managing change, strategies for change implementation, advantages and disadvantages of change, causing changes versus situational changes, organizational learning, etc. and basic taxation concepts.


CBU4209 - Project Management

The module involves a detailed study of network analysis and project scheduling techniques, project structuring, project finance, hiring and management of personnel, control of materials, project evaluation, monitoring the project, budgeting and project completion.


CBU4211 - International Business Management

The course focuses on; an overview of International Business encompassing reasons for studying international business, international business activities; the evolution of international business, reasons for international business growth; international trade theories; legal and political environment of international business; the socio-cultural and technological environment of international business; challenges of international business management encompassing, the challenges of international strategic management, strategic alternatives, components of an international strategy, developing international strategies as well as levels of international strategy; global marketing strategy including, assessing global market opportunities in emerging markets, multinational market regions and market groups, developing global strategies as well as implementing global marketing strategies; international strategic alliances incorporating international corporate cooperation, benefits of strategic alliance, scope of strategic alliances, implementation of strategic alliances as well as pitfalls of strategic alliances; organisation design for international business; managing behaviour and interpersonal relations in international business; international operations management as well as international human resource management.


CBU4215 - Organisational Behaviour

This module focuses on the scientific study of human behaviour in organisations and the work place through deriving principles of individual, group and organisational behaviour and applying this knowledge to the solution of problems at work in relation to knowledge areas that include behaviour theory; models relevant to human productivity; satisfaction, retention, human resources administration; learning theories and principles; group behaviour, inter group relations; organisational leadership styles; psychological processes in the work context, personality and the work environment; workplace diversity and changing work contexts, organisational culture and behaviour, industrial psychological assessment, employee and organisational wellness, consumer psychology etc.


CBU4216 - Corporate Governance                      

The module delves into the tenets of corporate governance and corporate social responsibilities.  The key issues covered include: the role of moral values, external institutions, internal structures, incentive systems, organizational culture, and means of guiding managerial behaviour among other things.


CBU4217 - Production and Operations Management

Topics covered in the module includes developing production / operations management strategies, the strategic role and objectives of production / operations, production / operations management strategies – designing, planning and controlling the production / operations management system, process technology, materials requirements planning, JIT planning and control, quality planning and control, and project planning. Improving the production / operations management systems, measuring performance and improvement, maintaining the production / operation system, new challenges and contemporary issues are also covered.


CBU4200 - Research Project

This module is an independent project in content areas related to administration and management. Students work under the supervision of an assigned departmental lecturer to address comprehensive company-based or research-orientated problems with documented results. Each student will have an individualized project, which may be assigned by the student's employer or may be created in coordination with a faculty member. The completed project should clearly present the problem of the research subject investigated or applied project undertaken, its significance to theory or business practice, the research or project background, a well-defined method, results or findings, and their implications.



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