Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Property Development & Estate Management
- 00:00:00Course Duration
- Skill level
- 30 November -0001Admission Deadline
Entry Requirements
To be admitted to the Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Property Development and Estate Management, a candidate must meet the following requirements:
- Two Advanced Level passes one of which should be Geography, Mathematics, Accounting, Economics, Business Studies, Management of Business, OR.
- A National Diploma in Town Planning, Valuation and Estate Management, Quantity Surveying, Architectural Technology, Civil Engineering, Banking, Finance and Business Studies; The Real Estate Institute of Zimbabwe certification or its equivalence
- Additional qualifications and work experience may be an added advantage. In special circumstances, the Department reserves the right to carryout selection interviews.
Structure Of The Degree Programme
a) The programme will be offered on a full time basis being:
i) Conventional
ii) Block Release
iii) Parallel
b) In both cases the programme shall extend over a period of 4 years.
Examination and Marking Schemes
General Academic Regulations for undergraduate degrees shall apply.
- Formal examination will be conducted at the end of each semester for all courses with the exception of Property Studies Research Project
- Each candidate will be required to write a one three-hour paper in each of the courses for which he/she registered in addition to the dissertation.
- Each course, as well as research project shall be marked out of one hundred percent (100%).
- Each course as well as research project where applicable shall have its assessment mark for presentation to the Board of Examiners’ meeting.
- In certain courses such as research project, oral examination may be conducted by Departmental Panel of Examiners
- Each candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following areas
Continuous assessment component 30%
Written examination 70%
- For research project a resubmission period of within three months will normally be required unless where major changes are considered necessary
- Supplementary examinations will be allowed in accordance with the provisions of the University
- General Academic Regulations shall apply on marking schemes, carryover, repeat, discontinue and withdraw.
- On completion of the research project, a candidate will be required to submit two typed and spiral bound copies of the dissertation for assessment.
- A candidate must pass all taught courses and the research project to qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Science Degree in Property Development and Estate Management.
Course Synopsis
BLP 1101 Property Development I
BLP 1102 History of Urban Development
AQS 2109 Statistics
AAR 1104 Introduction to Materials and Construction I
AQS 1104 Principles of Microeconomics
AQS 1107 Techniques of Gathering Materials, Report Writing and Specification I
PLC 1101 Peace Leadership and Conflict Transformation
BLP1201 Property Accounting
BLP1202 Introduction to Information Technology and Applications
BLP 1203 Architectural Presentations
AAR 1204 Introduction to Materials and Construction II
AQS1204 Principles of Macroeconomics
BLP 1204 Construction Law
PLC1202 Peace Leadership and Conflict Transformation
BLP 2101 Property Development II
BLP 2102 Property Valuation I
BLP2103 Urban and Estate Planning
AAR 2102 Building Construction I
AAR 3103 Building Services I
BLP 2104 Building Economics
BLP 2105 Property Law I
BLP 2201 Property Valuation II
BLP 2202 Property Law II
BLP 2203 Land Economics
BLP 2204 Research Tools and Techniques
AAR 2202 Building Construction II
AAR 3203 Building Services II
BLP 3001 Industrial attachment
BLP 4001 Property Studies Research Project
BLP 4101 Property Valuation III
BLP 4102 Estate Management I
BLP 4103 Property Taxation
BLP 4104 Project Planning and Management
BLP 4105 Urban Management
BLP 4001 Property Studies Research Project
BLP 4201 Property Valuation IV
BLP 4202 Professional Practice and Procedure
BLP 4203 Estate Management II
BLP 4204 Property Development Finance
BLP 4205 Real Property Marketing