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The Faculty of Science and Technology Education seeks to offer world-class programmes in identified areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and design education. The faculty aims to prepare quality practitioners, educators and professionals for the secondary and post-secondary school education sector, suitable for serving in a wide variety of environments for teaching, training and skills development. The masters and doctoral programmes offered in the faculty will prepare technologically-inclined senior professionals for leadership in raising the level of scientific and technological appreciation among the general populace.

08.00 AM - 04.30 PM

Monday - Friday

Commerce Building Block 4

Office Address
Prof. Lwazi Sibanda
Prof. Lwazi SibandaExecutive Dean

The Faculty of Science and Technology Education was established in 2014. The Faculty has three Departments, namely, (i) Art, Design and Technology Education (ii) Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (iii) Technical and Engineering Education and Training.

The Faculty seeks to add value to the Heritage-based education 5.0 philosophy by training a graduate that can craft context-based solutions to community problems nationally and internationally. This is achieved through offering world-class programmes in identified areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Design education.

The Faculty aims to prepare quality practitioners, educators and professionals for the secondary schools and higher education institutions, suitable for serving in a wide variety of environments for teaching, training and skills development. The master’s and doctoral programmes offered in the faculty prepare a graduate pertinent to addressing the community needs of the 21st century.

To better our Faculty we take feedback from our students. Please follow the link to evaluate the delivery of our lectures.

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