Welcome to
The Faculty of Science and Technology Education

The Faculty of Science and Technology Education seeks to offer world-class programmes in identified areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and design education. The faculty aims to prepare quality practitioners, educators and professionals for the secondary and post-secondary school education sector, suitable for serving in a wide variety of environments for teaching, training and skills development. The masters and doctoral programmes offered in the faculty will prepare technologically-inclined senior professionals for leadership in raising the level of scientific and technological appreciation among the general populace.

Our Mission

To facilitate the advancement of science, technology and entrepreneurial knowledge through relevant university education and training of personnel involved in the teaching of career-focussed students to meet challenges created by changing situations and environments in the current global economy.

Our Vision

The Faculty of Science and Technology Education aims to become an internationally renowned centre for the search and implementation of progressive theory and practice of teaching, learning, effective training and skills development in science and technology advancement through enhancing the professionalism of practitioners at all levels of the education system in Zimbabwe.

Our Prospectus

Download our prospectus to get an in-depth view of our faculty.

Our Faculty Staff

Prof Lwazi Sibanda
Prof Lwazi SibandaExecutive Dean
Mr Chenjerai Maodzwa
Mr Chenjerai MaodzwaFaculty Librarian
Ms Siyanalole Kalenge
Ms Siyanalole KalengeAssistant Registrar
Miss Modester Moyo
Miss Modester MoyoChief Secretary
Mr Banele Mpande
Mr Banele MpandeFaculty Technician

Our Faculty in numbers


Why Choose Us

With over 30 years of experience, Nust is your university of choice

A Wealth of Experience, a Reputation for Excellence

Integrity and Honesty

Mutual respect and Teamwork



Let’s Get Social

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