![Mr Buhle Dube](/fobe/images/2024/05/13/mr-buhle-dube.jpeg#joomlaImage://local-images/2024/05/13/mr-buhle-dube.jpeg?width=320&height=320)
Mr Buhle Dube
- Courses: 0
- Website: https://www.nust.ac.zw/fobe
- Postgraduate Degree 2010-2012
- Master of Science in Rural and Urban Planning - University of Zimbabwe
- Undergraduate Degree 2006-2010
- Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Rural and Urban Planning – University of Zimbabwe
Area of specialty:
- Urban designer
- Project management
- Lean Construction
Research interests:
- Urban resilience
- Smart Cities and Regions
Dube, B., Gumbo, T., Chirisa, I., & Chigwenya, A. (2023, June). Planning Laws, Health Pandemics and City Resilience: A Review of the Urban and Regional Planning Laws in Southern Africa. In 8th North America Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, https://doi.org/10.46254/NA8.20230435.
Dube, B., and Gumbo, T., (2022). African Cities in the Post-COVID-19 World: Interrogating the “Forgotten Priorities” of the Pandemic in the Informal Sector in Bulawayo Metropolis - REAL CORP Repository’. https://repository.corp.at/936/ (November 19, 2022), 2022
Muleya, N. and Dube, B. (2019). Streetscaping Beitbridge Central Business District for Public Space Quality Enhancement. Journal of Urban Systems and Innovations for Resilience in Zimbabwe. Volume 1 Issues 1&2 (2019). ISSN 2707-210X
Dube, B. (2017). Evolution of the Regionalism Debate and its Implications for Spatial Development Planning and Management in Zimbabwe. ZAMBEZIA XI. Vol. 43, No. I 2016. pp 83-105. ISSN 0379-0622
Dube, B and Chirisa, I. (2013). Planning Conflicts at the Border: Interrogating Umguza-Bulawayo Peri-Urban Survival Strategies by Large and Small Plot-Holder Farmers in Zimbabwe. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning. Vol. 6(4), pp. 82-92. Article Number - 3BA53BC40256. https://doi.org/10.5897/JGRP2013.0369
Chirisa, I., Dumba, S., and Dube, B. (2013). Servicing the Needs of Inflating Population at Growth Points in Zimbabwe? Spatio-Temporal and Economic Considerations. Journal of Sustainable Development Studies. Vol. 4(1), 36-52. ISSN 2201-4268.
Dube, B., and Mugobogobo, M. (2021). Social Infrastructure in The New Resettlement Farms of Goromonzi District. Chapter 9 in Physicalism and the Design Considerations in Human Settlements Development and Management in Zimbabwe: Edited by Chirisa, I. 2021. University of Zimbabwe Publications
Chirisa, I., Mhlanga, D., Dube, B., and Mukarwi, L. (2018). Metropolitan Councils: An Emerging Paradigm for Urban, Regional Planning, and Development in Zimbabwe. Chapter 12 in the book: Optimizing Regional Development Through Transformative Urbanization by Umar G. Benna (2018). IGI Global. Nigeria. ISBN: 9781522554493. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5448-6.ch012
Dube, B. (2013). Planning and Peri-urban Zimbabwe: Lessons from Bulawayo's Rangemore subdivisions. Book Chapter in Chirisa, I. (2013). Contemporary rural and urban issues in Zimbabwe: Implications for Policy and Planning. Academic Press. The USA. ISBN: 10: 193632055X, 9781936320554
Modules Taught:
- Ecological Based Design
- Property and Facilities Management
- Research Supervision
- Property Development
Contact email (NUST email):
Community Development Activities:
- Lupane Town Master Plan