Mrs Nomathemba Moyo


Title and Full Name

Mrs. Nomathemba Moyo



Contact Details


Courses being Taught

Electricity and magnetism

Thermal Physics and Wave Motion

Statistical Physics

Nuclear Physics

Curriculum and Pedagogical Issues in Physics Education

Electricity and Magnetism 5

Mechanics and Oscillations

Quantum Mechanics

Thermodynamics 5

Education including Awards and Honours

Master of Science Education in Physics: Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe Aug 2015 – Dec 2017 

Bachelor of Education (Hons) Degree in Physics: National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Aug 2009 – Nov 2013       

Diploma in Education - Science: Chemistry, Physics, and Biology: Hillside Teacher’s College, Zimbabwe Jan 1998 – Dec 1999       

Diploma of Ministry April 2008 – April 20 School of Christ International Zimbabwe                                                                                                                               

Awards and Achievements

  • Best Advanced Level Physics Teacher awarded a prize at Army Schools awards in 2018.
  • Best Physics Master student in the UNICEF Scholarship program in 2015 on follow up of the Teacher Capacity Development Programme and selected to be a delegate for the launch of the program in Education and Expo Conference of 2015.
  • Best Science Exhibitions project supervisor and was granted the opportunity to train as a science exhibitions adjudicator for Bulawayo Province in 2014

Work History (Public/Private Sectors)

University Lecturer Physics National University of Science & Technology (NUST)        Zimbabwe June 2020 to Current (Fulltime)

University Lecturer Physics National University of Science&Technology                   Zimbabwe: Jan 2018 to June 2020 (Part-time)

College Lecturer: United College of Education – Zimbabwe (Teacher Training College) Feb 2019 – Jun 2020 (Fulltime) Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Science & Technology and Curriculum Studies.

High School Level Physics/Chemistry/Biology Teacher May 2017 – February 2019 (Fulltime)

High School Science Teacher 2004 – April 2017Mandwandwe High School, Zimbabwe

Secondary School Science Teacher Jan 2000 – Dec 2003 Setshanke Secondary School Zimbabwe

High School Teacher: (Temporary post) Nkashe Secondary School- 1997

International Work Experience


Membership in Professional Organizations

  1. Women in Physics Zimbabwe- WPIZ
  2. Elshadai Theological Seminary Board
  3. ZIMCHE Peer Reviewer

External examiner UZ

Research Interests

Physics Education, Computational Physics, Robotics, Comprehensive Sexuality in Institutions of Higher Learning, Astrophysics, lasers, and Optics.

Research Groups/Consortia

UNISA Masters & Doctoral Research Training workshops, 

Publications, Research Projects, Exhibitions, Conferences, etc.


  1. Towards implementing STEM Teacher Education, challenges and opportunities, the Zimbabwean experiences by Nomathemba Moyo (NUST)
  2. Spearheading Innovation and Industrialization through STEM Education from High School Level in Zimbabwe by Joseph Hlongwane and Nomathemba Moyo (NUST)


  1. Implementation of the Physics curriculum in secondary schools in Bulilima District, challenges and opportunities
  2. Use of Continuous Assessment Learning Activities in the teaching and learning of ordinary level physics in Zimbabwe: a case of secondary school in Hwange district
  3. The effectiveness of the use of a virtual laboratory in teaching and learning physics at the ordinary level in a selected school in the Tsholotsho District
  4. An assessment of the level of schools’ preparedness to offer Electronic learning (e-learning). a case of selected schools in Matobo District
  5. Analysis of factors that cause poor performance of learners in physics advanced level at a high school, Hwange district in Matabeleland North Province.
  6. Examining how Blended Learning in computer science education contributes to attaining the SDG4 targets in the Gaborone South district private secondary schools of Botswana
  7. An assessment on the use of ICT tools in teaching and learning, of grade 2s at a selected school in Warren Park District
  8. Use of Mobile Technology to enhance sustainable teaching and learning of Science and Technology in Primary School. A case of a selected school in Masvingo.
  9. Assessment of the use of virtual laboratories in the teaching and learning of physics practical skills at an advanced level, a case study of schools in Bubi District, Matabeleland North province.
  10. An assessment of the use of ICT tools in the Competence-Based computer science curriculum at the Ordinary Level at a high school, Hwange District in Matabeleland North Province
  11. The Influence of Family Background on academic performance of physics learners at ordinary level: a case study of a selected school in Gokwe North District.
  12. An Assessment of the need for Integrating Information Communication and Technology in teaching and learning of O’level Physics in Mangwe District, Matabeleland South.

Community Service/Engagement

  1. Assessment of the content of the Bed honours in science programme in the faculty of education- MSU -ZIMCHE- September 2021
  2. External examining – Physics 2021-Hilside Teachers College

Co-ordinator Teacher capacity Development programme

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