Ms Duduzile Moyo


Title and Full Name

Ms. Duduzile Moyo



Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

0715 510 721/0773628199

Courses being Taught

Mathematical Foundations to Computer Science,

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems,

Operating Systems Concepts,

Database Concepts and Data Processing,

Data Structures and Algorithms,

Computational Discrete Mathematics,

Advanced Database and Data Mining,

Simulation and Modelling.

Education including Awards and Honours

Master of Science Education Degree in Computer Science (National University of Science and Technology,2018)

Bachelor of Education Honours Degree in Computer Science (National University of Science and Technology, 2013)

Diploma in Education (University of Zimbabwe)

Work History (Public/Private Sectors)

Worked as a teacher in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education 2005-2020

International Work Experience

None Earned so far

Membership in Professional Organizations


Research Interests

Computational thinking, Artificial intelligence,  problem-based learning, collaborative learning, machine learning, data mining, databases.

Research Groups/Consortia

None Earned so far

Publications, Research Projects, Exhibitions, Conferences, etc.

Conference Presentations

  1. Moyo, D. and Mangena. A 2021. An analysis of Self Directed Learning using Online Learning in Higher Education during Covid 19. National University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Science and Technology Education. 1st Education for Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. (Oral)
  2. Mangena A, Moyo D, and Sibanda L, 2022 Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm use in Student Programme Selection in Higher Education: perspectives of A case of one selected university in Zimbabwe. Mutare Polytechnic College Zimbabwe. (Oral).

Community Service/Engagement

Going to schools on Career Guidance.

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