Ms Sesilani Nkomo
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Title and Full Name
Ms Nkomo Sesilani
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Courses being Taught
Linear Mathematics
Linear Programming
Ordinary &Partial differential equations
Advanced Numerical methods
Multivariate Statistics
Metric Spaces & Topology
Education including Awards and Honours
Master of Science degree in Mathematics
Bachelor of Education Honours degree in mathematics
Diploma in Education
Work History (Public/Private Sectors)
MOPSE- 2004-2019
International Work Experience
Membership in Professional Organizations
Research Interests
The integration of teaching/ learning of mathematics, visualization, self-regulated learning, geometry, trigonometry
- Chikusvura, N., Nkomo, S. and Sibanda, L. (2022). Transition to Virtual Graduation: Experiences of 2021 University Graduates in Zimbabwe. Vol.3 No.3. 497-503.
Conference Presentations
- Nkomo, S. and Moyo, K. 2022. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on education at a selected university in Zimbabwe. National University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Science and Technology Education. 2nd Education for Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. (Oral)
- Moyo, K. and Nkomo, S. 2022. An analysis of the incorporation of technology in Tertiary Institutions of Zimbabwe National University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Science and Technology Education. 2nd Education for Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. (Oral).