Prof. Allan Sebata
- Courses: 0
- Website: http://www.nust.ac.zw
Office: SW131
Extension: 2232
Email: allan.sebata@nust.ac.zw
My research interests are Rangeland Ecology and Animal / Wildlife Nutrition.
Publications by Prof. Allan Sebata
Sebata A & Ndlovu LR (2015) Within-plant variation in defences in response to simulated herbivory in a semi-arid southern African savannah. African Journal of Ecology 53, 413–418.
Choeni H & Sebata A (2014) Interspecific variation in the resprouting responses of Acacia species following simulated herbivory in a semi-arid southern African savannah. African Journal of Ecology 52, 479–483.
Sebata A & Ndlovu LR (2012) Effect of shoot morphology on browse selection by free ranging goats in a semi-arid savannah. Livestock Science 144, 96-102.
Sebata A, Ndlovu LR & Dube JS (2011) Chemical composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility and in vitro gas production of five woody species browsed by Matebele goats (Capra hircus L.) in a semi-arid savanna, Zimbabwe. Animal Feed Science and Technology 170, 122– 125.
Sebata A & Ndlovu LR (2010) Effect of leaf size, thorn density and leaf accessibility on instantaneous intake rates of five woody species browsed by Matebele goats (Capra hircus L) in a semi-arid savanna, Zimbabwe. Journal of Arid Environments 74, 1281-1286.