Welcome to the Department of
Applied Biology & Biochemistry

Prof. Joshua Mbanga:
The Department of Applied Biology and Biochemistry started operating in 1991 and is essentially a multidisciplinary biotechnology department. It has a staff complement of 2 Associate Professors, 2 Senior Lecturers, 8 Lecturers, 4 Research fellows, 4 Teaching assistants, 1 Senior technician and 3 technicians. Currently, 5 degree programmes are being offered, these are a BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Biology and Biochemistry, BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Biotechnology, MSc in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, and MPhil and PhD degrees. The MSc programme has been running since 2008. Applied Biology and Biochemistry is a wide field that encompasses but is not limited to the following areas in terms of teaching and research: Biotechnology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Plant and Animal Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Fermentation, Food Technology, and Nutrition.
To be a centre of excellence in teaching, research, innovation and community development in the field of Applied Biology and Biochemistry.
To produce high quality graduates who will be able to use their knowledge towards the provision of knowledge based solutions to scientific and technological problems and to contribute to industrial development in the fields of Applied Biology and Biochemistry.
Achievements of the mission will be guided by the following core values:
- Honesty and Integrity
- Innovativeness
- Excellence and Diligence
- Intellectual Freedom
- Equity
- Social and Environmental Responsibility
Undergraduate Degree Programmes
Postgraduate Degree Programmes
Departmental Staff

+263 (29) 2282842 Ext. 2226 / 2132

National University of Science & Technology
Department of Applied Biology and Biochemistry
P. O. Box AC939
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe