Welcome to The

Department of Computer Science

Mr. S. Ngwenya

Mr Sibangiso Ngwenya: Chairperson

Computer Science, generally defined, is the study of problem-solving procedures, computability and computation systems. Its core areas include Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Programming, Human-Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, Net-Centric Computing, Programming Languages, Intelligent Systems, Information Management, Social and Professional issues, Discrete Structures and Numerical and Symbolic Computation methods.

Computer engineers and computer science professionals are proficient in several programming languages and are familiar with advanced mathematical concepts such as linear algebra, matrix theory, calculus, and Boolean algebra. Often they work with individuals from other disciplines to coordinate new developments in hardware and software. Computer utilization has made the solutions to complex problems, once considered intractable, feasible because of the speed, accuracy and versatility of the modern computer. Practical work and professional practice in industry ensure that students do Computer Science and do not just read Computer Science.

To be a centre of excellence in teaching, research, innovation, industrialisation and community development In the fields of Information Communication Technology and Computer related studies. 

To produce high quality graduates who will be able to use their knowledge towards the provision of knowledge-based solutions to scientific and technological problems and to contribute to industrial development in the fields of Computing and providing solutions to social problems using technology.

The purpose of computer science is to investigate algorithms, design efficiency, and implementation and application of computer systems to the problems of businesses and government. The goal of a computer scientist is to maintain and create the most effective computer systems possible using the most current technology available. The field of computer sciences is one of the fastest growing industries today. As people rely more on computers, the development and maintenance of computer systems is critical. Computer science graduates will find numerous career opportunities in a variety of business, government, and academic organizations.
The department conducts a variety of research in a collection of research clusters. An overview of the various research clusters and their respective focus areas is provided below. Feel free to contact any of the researchers for more information on their current projects and / or possible collaboration opportunities.


  • Predictive Models
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Neural Networks
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Agent
  • Reasoning and Knowledge Representation

The Cognitive Science Research Cluster (CSRC) endeavours to research and develop cognitive technologies for developing economies. The focus of the cluster is towards providing indigenous solutions to sub-Saharan knowledge societies.

  • Mathematical model
  • Simulation software
  • Events Modelling
  • Events Simulation
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Semantic Technology
  • Ontology Technology
  • Systems Dynamics

Aims and Objectives

The simulation and modelling research cluster undertakes research in o Mathematical models, simulation software, Events Modelling, Events Simulation, Supply Chain Management, Semantic Technology, Ontology and Systems Dynamics.

  • Privy
  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Intrusion detection
  • Database and workflow security
  • Digital forensics
  • Distributed trust and security issues in pervasive computing
  • Mobile networks
  • Ad-hoc networks
  • Parallel distributed computing


Our Degree Programmes

BSc Hons Computer Science

The Programme consists of thirty-six taught modules, an Industrial Attachment module in the third year that runs for 28 weeks...

MSc Computer Science

To develop knowledge, skills and competences in the field of Computing Technology. To provide a foundation for advanced research...

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

The normal entrance requirements shall be an appropriate Honours Degree...

Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD)

The normal entrance requirement shall be an appropriate Masters Degree...

Departmental Staff

Mr. Sibangiso Ngwenya
Mr. Sibangiso NgwenyaLecturer
Dr Sindiso Nleya
Dr Sindiso NleyaLecturer
Mrs. Samkeliso Dube
Mrs. Samkeliso DubeSenior Lecturer
Khesani R. Chilumani
Khesani R. Chilumani Lecturer
Mrs. Sifelumusa Charakupa
Mrs. Sifelumusa CharakupaSenior Secretary
Mr. Marvelous Mapurazi
Mr. Marvelous MapuraziChief Technician
Mr. Reason Twala
Mr. Reason TwalaTechnician
Mrs Siqabukile Ndlovu
Mrs Siqabukile NdlovuLecturer
Ms Tsitsi Zengeya
Ms Tsitsi ZengeyaLecturer

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