Dr Brassnavy Manzunzu

Dr Brassnavy Manzunzu

Senior Lecturer

I am a seismologist. I hold a B.Sc. (Hons) degree from the University of Zimbabwe, an M.Sc. in Geophysics from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) and a Ph.D. from the University of the Witwatersrand in the Republic of South Africa. In 2023, I joined the NUST as a Senior Lecturer. I have published more than 20 papers in internationally referred journals. My research interests are in seismology, seismic hazard, and application of seismic methods to geotechnical engineering. I have collaborated with several local and regional scientists to understand the seismotectonics of Southern Africa. I have supervised several B.Sc. and M.Sc. students. I have presented several of my works at local, regional and international conferences. I have work for the Zimbabwe Meteorological Services where I rose through the ranks to become the Seismology Manager. I have also worked for the Council for Geoscience in the Republic of South Africa where I participated in several projects related to seismology and seismic hazard assessments in Africa. Amongst other, these projects involved commercially assessing seismic hazard and risk for sites of critical engineering structures such as dams, bridges, power stations pipelines, buildings etc. In addition, I have worked on several research projects including the development of the South African seismic hazard map, and the development of microzonation models for several cities in South Africa. Lastly, I enjoy learning new things, gaining new skills and becoming proficient in tasks or studies that I already understand. My vision for Zimbabwe is to seeing seismology and geophysics research in advance to its best for the safety and sustainable development of Zimbabwe and her Citizenry.

Courses taught:
1. Undergraduate course: Theory of Seismology, Seismic
exploration methods, Geotechnical Investigations, Principles of
Surface and Groundwater Hydrology.
2. Masters course: Refraction and Reflection seismology.


1. Ph.D. in Geophysics, (2021), University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
2. M.Sc. in Geophysics (2013), National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe.
3. B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics (2006), University of Zimbabwe, Republic of Zimbabwe.



Field of Specialization

Seismotectonic modelling, Seismic hazard analysis, Geotechnical engineering

Selected Publication
1. Manzunzu, B., Midzi, V., Zulu, T. and Mphahlele, K., 2023. Macroseismic analysis and the determination of a focal mechanism of the 31 October 2019, KwaZulu-Natal earthquake in South Africa. South African Journal of Geology, 126(1), pp.113-126.

2. Manzunzu, B., Midzi, V., Durrheim, Pule T. and Flint N., 2023. Quantitative evaluation of source parameters of historical earthquakes in southern Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences.

3. Sitali, M., Manzunzu, B., Midzi, V., Shipena, S. and Lushetile, B., 2022. Seismotectonic analysis of the Anker area, Kunene region north-western Namibia. Journal of Seismology, 26(2), pp.319-331.

4. MarimiraK.T., Manzunzu B., Midzi V., Shumba B. T., 2021. Aftershock sequence of 22 September 2016, Manica-Zinave earthquake (Mw5. 6), Mozambique. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 177, p.104146.

5. Manzunzu, B., Brandt, M.B.C., Midzi, V., Durrheim, R.J., Saunders, I. and Mulabisana, T.F., 2021. Towards a homogeneous moment magnitude determination for earthquakes in South Africa: Reduction of associated uncertainties. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 173, p.104051.

6. Midzi V, Manzunzu B., Mulabisana T.F., Zulu BS, Pule T, Myendeki S &Rathod, G. 2020. The Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences.

7. Manzunzu B., V. Midzi, T. Mulabisana, B. Zulu, T. Pule, S. Myendeki and G.W. Rathod (2019). Seismotectonics of South Africa, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 149, 271-279

8. Manzunzu B., V. Midzi, A. Mangongolo and F. Essrich. 2017. The aftershock sequence of the 5th August 2014 Orkney earthquake, South Africa, Journal of Seismology, DOI: 10.1007/s10950-017-9667-z.
9. Midzi, V., B. Manzunzu, B.S. Zulu, T. Mulabisana, S. Myendeki and A. Mangongolo, 2015. Impact of Recent Moderately Sized Earthquakes in South Africa: Macroseismic Investigations of the 18 November and 2 December 2013 Earthquakes, South African Journal of Geology, 118 (4), 373-388.

10. Manzunzu B. and V. Midzi 2015. The Curious Case of the 1919 Swaziland earthquake, Seismological Research Letters, Volume 86, Number 3, doi: 10.1785/0220140228, p803-809.

1. Shumba, B.T., Midzi, V., Manzunzu, B. and Maritinkole, J.R., 2023. Calibration of the local magnitude scale (Ml) for Central Southern Africa, Journal of African Earth Sciences.

2. Manzunzu, B., Midzi, V., Zulu, T. and Mphahlele, K., 2023. Macroseismic analysis and the determination of a focal mechanism of the 31 October 2019, KwaZulu-Natal earthquake in South Africa. South African Journal of Geology, 126(1), pp.113-126.

3. Manzunzu, B., Midzi, V., Durrheim, Pule T. and Flint N., 2023. Quantitative evaluation of source parameters of historical earthquakes in southern Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences.

4. Sitali, M., Manzunzu, B., Midzi, V., Shipena, S. and Lushetile, B., 2022. Seismotectonic analysis of the Anker area, Kunene region north-western Namibia. Journal of Seismology, 26(2), pp.319-331.

5. Mulabisana, T., Meghraoui, M., Midzi, V., Saleh, M., Ntibinyane, O., Kwadiba, T., Manzunzu, B., Seiphemo, O., Pule, T. and Saunders, I., 2021. Seismotectonic analysis of the 2017 moiyabana earthquake (MW 6.5; Botswana), insights from field investigations, aftershock and InSAR studies. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 182, p.104297.

6. MarimiraK.T., Manzunzu B., Midzi V., Shumba B. T., 2021. Aftershock sequence of 22 September 2016, Manica-Zinave earthquake (Mw5. 6), Mozambique. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 177, p.104146.

7. Manzunzu, B., Brandt, M.B.C., Midzi, V., Durrheim, R.J., Saunders, I. and Mulabisana, T.F., 2021. Towards a homogeneous moment magnitude determination for earthquakes in South Africa: Reduction of associated uncertainties. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 173, p.104051.

8. Shumba, B.T., Midzi, V., Manzunzu, B., Ottemöller, L. and Marimira, K.T., 2020. Source parameters of the moderate Mozambique–Zimbabwe border earthquake on 22 December 2018. Journal of African Earth Sciences, p.103829.

9. Midzi, V., Pule, T., Manzunzu, B., Mulabisana, T., Zulu, B.S. and Myendeki, S., 2020. Improved earthquake location in the gold mining regions of South Africa using new velocity models. South African Journal of Geology, 123(1), pp.35-58.

10. Midzi, V., Pule, T., Mulabisana, T., Zulu, B. and Manzunzu, B., 2020. Reassessment of source parameters of ‘Major’ southern African earthquakes. South African Journal of Geology, 123(1), pp.59-74.

11. Midzi V, Manzunzu B., Mulabisana T.F., Zulu BS, Pule T, Myendeki S &Rathod, G. 2020. The Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences.

12. Meghraoui, M., Midzi, V., Saleh, M., Kwadiba, T., Manzunzu, B., Mulabisana, T., Pule, T. and Saunders, I., 2018, April. Seismotectonics of the 2017 Botswana earthquake (Mw 6.5): An active branch of the East African Rift. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 20, p. 9375).

13. Manzunzu B., V. Midzi, T. Mulabisana, B. Zulu, T. Pule, S. Myendeki and G.W. Rathod (2019). Seismotectonics of South Africa, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 149, 271-279

14. Mulabisana, T., Midzi, V. and Manzunzu, B. (2018). Local site effects during the Orkney earthquake of 5 August 2014, Journal of Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176(1), 147-164.

15. Pule T., V. Midzi, B. Manzunzu, B. Zulu, T. Mulabisana, G. Rathod and K. Mphahlele (2018). The macroseismic survey of the M4.6, 2017 Stilfontein earthquake, Proceedings of 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 18-21 June 2018.

16. Midzi, V., I. Saunders, B. Manzunzu, M.T. Kwadiba, V. Jele, R. Mantsha, K.T. Marimira, T.F. Mulabisana, O. Ntibinyane, T. Pule, G.W. Rathod, M. Sitali, L. Tabane, G. van Aswegen, B.S. Zulu, (2018). The 03 April 2017 Botswana M6.5 earthquake: Preliminary results, Journal of African Earth Sciences,143, 187-194.

17. Manzunzu B., V. Midzi, A. Mangongolo and F. Essrich. 2017. The aftershock sequence of the 5th August 2014 Orkney earthquake, South Africa, Journal of Seismology, DOI: 10.1007/s10950-017-9667-z.
18. Midzi V., B. Zulu, B. Manzunzu, T. Mulabisana, T. Pule, S. Myendeki, W. Gubela, 2015. Macroseismic survey of the ML5.5, 2014 Orkney earthquake, Journal of Seismology, DOI 10.1007/s10950-015-9491-2.
19. Midzi, V., B. Manzunzu, B.S. Zulu, T. Mulabisana, S. Myendeki and A. Mangongolo, 2015. Impact of Recent Moderately Sized Earthquakes in South Africa: Macroseismic Investigations of the 18 November and 2 December 2013 Earthquakes, South African Journal of Geology, 118 (4), 373-388.

20. Manzunzu B. and V. Midzi 2015. The Curious Case of the 1919 Swaziland earthquake, Seismological Research Letters, Volume 86, Number 3, doi: 10.1785/0220140228, p803-809.
21. V. Midzi, B. Manzunzu, B.S. Zulu, T. Mulabisana, S. Myendeki and A. Mangongolo, 2015. Impact in South Africa of Recent Moderately Sized Earthquakes: Macroseismic Investigations of the 18 November and 2 December 2013 Earthquakes, South African Journal Geology, doi:10.2113/gssajg.118.4.373.
22. Midzi V. and B. Manzunzu, 2014. The largest earthquakes in Sub-Saharan Africa, Chapter in a book titled “Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications”, ISBN: 978 1 107 033 863, p413, ed. A. Ismail-Sadeh, J.U. Fucugauchi, A. Kijko, K. Takeuchi and I. Zaliapin, Cambridge University Press.


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