- Students are reminded that Registration for the Second Semester 2019/2020 Academic Year closes on 5 June, 2020.
- Queries related to Registration should be sent to
Payment of Fees and Payment Plans
- Payment can be made using Internet Banking, ZIPIT, Paynow and Ecocash. Students are advised to quote their student number whenever payment is done online. Details on the payment of fees are given on the NUST website as well as the student portal.
- Students who require a payment plan are advised to e-mail their applications to the following e-mail addresses:
- The minimum deposit required to qualify for a payment plan is ZWL$1 200.00.
Students’ Portal
- Students are encouraged to update their mobile numbers on the link below before 31 May, 2020.
Return of All Final Year Students
- Final Year Students’ lessons (inclusive of Parallel and Block classes) resume on Monday 8 June 2020 and end on 31 of July 2020. (Please note that all lessons will be conducted during the day, that is between 8am - 4pm. There will be no evening classes)
Final Year Students have been grouped into four distinct groups to allow social distancing during teaching and examinations.
Group A Comprises of the Faculties of Applied Science, Commerce and Engineering.
Group B Faculty of The Built Environment
Group C Faculty of Communication and Information Science and
Group D Faculty of Science and Technology Education.
The Teaching timetable will be as follows:
Group A
Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Commerce and Faculty of Engineering;
Monday 8 June, 2020 - Lectures Begin
Friday 17 July, 2020- Lectures End
Monday 21 July, 2020 to Friday 24 July, 2020 - SWOT Break
Monday 27 July, 2020 - Friday 31 July, 2020 - Examinations Week
Group B
Faculty of The Built Environment;
Monday 8 June, 2020 - Lectures Begin
Friday 26 June, 2020 - Lectures End
Monday 29 June, 2020 to Friday 3 July, 2020 - SWOT Break
Monday 6 July, 2020 - Friday 10 July, 2020 - Examinations Week
Group C
Faculty of Communication and Information Science;
Monday 22 June, 2020 - Lectures Begin
Friday 3 July, 2020 - Lectures End
Monday 6 July, 2020 to Friday 10 July, 2020 - SWOT Break
Monday 13 July, 2020 - Friday 17 July, 2020 - Examinations Week
Group D
Faculty of Science and Technology Education;
Monday 6 July, 2020 - Lectures Begin
Friday 17 July, 2020 - Lectures End
Monday 20 July, 2020 to Friday 24 July, 2020 - SWOT Break
Monday 27 July, 2020 - Friday 31 July, 2020 - Examinations Week
Carryover Courses
- Final year students with carryover courses will sit for their respective examinations for carryover courses when offered during the course of the year as indicated under returning Non-Final year students given hereunder.
Examinations Timetable
- The Draft examinations timetable for the Postgraduate students will be published in due course.
- Final Year examinations timetables for the Undergraduate students will be published by 19 June, 2020.
Students’ Cohorts other than the Final Year Students have been grouped into two to allow social distancing during teaching and examinations.
Group A comprises the Faculties of Commerce, Communication and Information Science and the Faculty of Science and Technology Education, while Group B will comprise the Faculties of Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of The Built Environment.
Group A
- Lessons for Second Year Students in Group A Faculties will resume on Monday 3 August, 2020 and end on Thursday 27 August, 2020.
- Examinations for Faculties in Group A will begin on Friday 28 August, 2020 and end on Friday 4 September, 2020.
Group B
- Lessons for Second Year Students and Fourth Year Students (where applicable) for Faculties in Group B will resume on Monday 7 September, 2020 and end on Thursday 1 October, 2020.
- Examinations for Faculties in Group B will begin on Friday 2 October, 2020 and end on Friday 9 October, 2020.
Social distancing shall be observed at all times and wearing of masks shall be compulsory. No student will be allowed on campus without a mask.
Information on safety precautions while attending classes will be provided in the coming week.
2020 /2021 Academic Year (Including the 2019 March Intake) opening dates to be advised
Students will be kept informed of any changes with regards to the University Calendar.
Thank you.
L J Hadebe
Acting Deputy Registrar - Academic