Professor Yogi Naik
- Work Experience
- Qualifications
- Administrative Positions
- Memberships
- Review Invitations
- Publications
- Awards
- Conferences
- Research
- Community Service
- Contacts
Current appointment: Pro- Vice Chancellor - Research and Academic Affairs.
- Oct 2008 to 2019: Director, Research & Innovation Office, (NUST). Designing, developing and reviewing institutional research and innovation strategic plans, policies, procedures and systems in line with the NUST Strategic Plan, international best practice and national imperatives. Identifying and exploiting alternative sources of research funding. Developing a university wide and focused research culture and agenda. Providing research skills training. Introducing research-mentoring programmes for junior academic staff. Managing the NUST Research Board activities. Dissemination of research and its relevance. Internationalisation of research and its management.
- 2018: BSc course on ‘Environmental Ecotoxicology’. (Invited).
- 2017+18 Jan: 1 week intensive module on ‘Environmental Health’ for a MSc Environmental Health degree programme. (Invited).
- 2003 Jan – Oct 2008: Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Health. Courses taught include those in the area of environmental biology and chemistry. Supervised 06 undergraduate, 02 MPhil and 03 PhD students in the area of “Aquatic toxicology”.
- 2000 June – Dec 2002: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Science and Health. Courses taught include those in the area of environmental biology and chemistry. Supervised 04 undergraduate in the area of “Aquatic toxicology”.
- 1998 June - May 2000: Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Biology and Biochemistry. NUST. Taught courses on Chemistry of biomolecules, Food chemistry and Advanced cell biology. Supervised 3 undergraduate (B.Sc.-Hons) projects
- 1988 June-May. 1998: Lecturer (and later Senior Lecturer) in Biochemistry, University of Zimbabwe. Taught biochemistry to students of science, medicine (under+post grad) and veterinary medicine. Lecture topics included: Drug metabolism, Drug design, Parasite biochemistry, Clinical chemistry, Integration of metabolism. Supervised 10 undergraduate (B.Sc.-Hons) and co-supervised (3) PhD student dissertations in the area of biochemical toxicology and pharmacology.
- 1982 December-1983 May: Clinical Biochemist in a Consultant Pathologists laboratory. (Henderson, Page & Lowe [now CIMAS LABS], Bulawayo).
- 1976-1980: BSc-Hons (Chemistry), University of Bombay
- 1980-1982: MSc (Biochemistry), University of Bombay
- 1983-1989: PhD (Biochemistry), University of Zimbabwe
- 2010: PG Cert Higher Ed Mgmnt, University of The Witwatersrand
- 1970-1976: Founders High School, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
- 1963-1969: Robert Tredgold Primary School, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
- 2005-2018: International Foundation for Science. Sweden. Scientific Reviewer
- 2004-2008: AFASSA (Africa, Asia, South America) Network for natural products. Co-ordinating Group- Member. + Chairman 2006-07.
- 2018-present: Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI). (funders DfID+IDRC+NRF). SARIMA- Project Leader.
- 2015-17: Southern African Research & Innovation Managers Association (SARIMA). Member- Committee.
- 2015-present: SADC initiative “Strengthening Research & Innovation Management”. Focal Point- Zimbabwe.
- 2006-2009: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Africa Branch. President.
- 2004-2010: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Africa Branch. Council Member.
- 2003-200: Management Board. Southern African Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnological Network (SARBIO). Co-ordinator.
- 1999-2002: Pan African Environmental Mutagen Society. Vice President.
- 1996-1999: Pan African Environmental Mutagen Society. Asst. Secretary General.
- 2010-2018: The National Biotechnology Authority of Zimbabwe. Board Member.
- 2009-2015: Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe. Member.
- 2005-2013: Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences. Fellow.
- 2002-2007: Biosafety Board of Zimbabwe. Member.
- 2002-2012: Marwell-Zimbabwe Conservation Trust. Trustee.
- 1998-2000: Matabeleland Chapter. Biochem & Molec Biol Soc. of Zimbabwe. Sec. Gen.
- 1995-2000: Zimbabwe Scientific Association. Council Member.
- 1996 & 1997: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe. President.
- 1992: Biochemical Society of Zimbabwe. Vice President.
- 1989 & 1990: Biochemical Society of Zimbabwe. Secretary General.
- 1990-91 & 1992-93: Animal House Committee, University of Zimbabwe. Fac.Sci.Rep.
- 1999: Criteria for promotion at NUST. Fac.Sci.Rep + Lead
- 2000-2007: Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.Departmental Representative-EnvSci & Hlth.
- 2002+2003 Jan- Jun: Department of Env. Sci & Hlth .Chairman.
- 2004-2008: NUST Research Board. Faculty Representative- Applied Sciences.
- 2008 Jan- Sep: Department of Env. Sci & Hlth . Chairman.
- 1987-2010: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe.
- 1987-2003: Zimbabwe Scientific Association.
- 1990-1995: American Society of Parasitologists*.
- 1992-1996: New York Academy of Sciences*.
- 1994-2001: International Society of Medical & Applied Malacology*.
- 1996-2008: Pan African Environmental Mutagen Society*
- 1997-2003: African Association of Medical and Veterinary Malacology*
- 2002-2013: Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC)-Europe*
- 2010- 2018: Southern African Research & Innovation Managers Association (SARIMA) *
- 2012- 2014: American Chemical Society*
- 2013- 2015: Society of Research Administrators- USA*
FELLOWSHIPS (excluding >30 travel fellowships)
- 1984 Dec-1988 Jun: Staff Development Fellowship in Biochemistry. University of Zimbabwe. (To pursue a Ph.D. degree. Supervisor. Prof JA Hasler).
- 1991 Feb-Mar & 1992 Feb-Apr: International Science Programs, Uppsala, Sweden. (Conduct research at Biomedical Centre, Uppsala University, Sweden-Lab of Prof B Mannervik).
- 1994 Dec-1995 Jul: UNESCO [Biotechnology Action Council] Short-Term Fellowship. (Conduct research at John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia- Lab of Prof PG Board).
Editorial Boards
- 1996- 2000: Zimbabwe Science News- Publisher; Zimbabwe Scientific Association (published 3 complete issues of Zimbabwe Science News).
- 2003-2014: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Evaluation of Grant Proposals
- Rockefeller Foundation. Malawi -1998
- Water Research Fund for Southern Africa. Zimbabwe- 1998-2003
- Wellcome Trust. UK 1999
- International Foundation for Science Sweden- 2005- present
- Medical Research Council S Africa- 2007
- Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Tanzania- 2008
- National Research Foundation S. Africa- 2009
- University of Rwanda Rwanda- 2016
Review of Journal Articles
- Central African J of Medicine. Zimbabwe 1994/1998
- J of Applied Sciences in Southern Africa. Zimbabwe 1998-05
- Discovery and Innovation. Kenya 1994/2004
- Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology Canada 2005
- Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry USA 2006
- Environmental Pollution USA 2007
- African Journal of Biochemistry Research Nigeria 2007
- Int. J of Environment & Waste Management India 2007
- African Journal of Microbiology Research Africa 2008
- African Journal of Biochemistry Research Africa 2008
- Southern African J Ed Sci & Technology Zimbabwe 2008
- African Journal of Aquatic Sciences S. Africa 2009/10
- Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health Switzerland 2011
- Human & Experimental Toxicology US 2012-16
- Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Australia 2012
- Molluscan Research Australia 2017
- Chemosphere Netherlands 2017
- Univ of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Biological Sciences 2005
- Midlands State Univ Zimbabwe Biological Sciences 2005
- Univ of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Biological Sciences 2007
- Univ of Kwa-Zulu Natal S Africa Agriculture Dept 2008
- Univ of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Biochemistry Dept 2008
- Bindura Univ of Science Education Zimbabwe Biochemistry Dept 2008
- Midlands State University Zimbabwe Civil & Water Eng 2010
- Midlands State University Zimbabwe Biological Sciences 2010
- Great Zimbabwe University Zimbabwe Geography 2010+13+16
- Chinhoyi University of Technology Zimbabwe Agriculture 2016
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Documents |
Citations |
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Google Scholar |
26 |
512 |
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324 |
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Journal articles- Refereed
- Masimirembwa CM, YS Naik & JA Hasler. (1993). Effects of phenobarbital and 3-methylcholantherene on the pharmacokinetics of praziquantel in rats. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics. 18: 261-264.
- Masimirembwa CM, YS Naik & JA Hasler. (1994). The effect of chloroquine on the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of praziquantel in rats and humans. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition. 15: 33-43.
- Naik YS & JA Hasler. (1994). The effect of infection with Schistosoma mattheei on hepatic drug metabolism in vivo. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 17: 477-479.
- Naik YS, R Kanyepi, N Ndiweni, JA Hasler & CB Nyathi. (1994). Hepatic cytosolic glutathione S-transferases from liver of ostrich (Struthio camelus): Partial characterization and interaction with xenobiotics. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal. 25: 71-80.
- Naik YS & JA Hasler. (1995). Intensity of Schistosoma mansoni infection determines alterations on hepatic drug metabolism. Journal of The Egyptian Society Parasitology. 25: 157-163.
- Magwere T, YS Naik & JA Hasler. (1997). Effects of chloroquine treatment on antioxidant enzymes in rat liver and kidney. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 21: 321-327.
- Mukanganyama SE, YS Naik & JA Hasler (1997). Alteration of paracetamol pharmacokinetics in BALB/c mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Central African Journal of Medicine. 43: 113-115.
- Mukanganyama SE, CM Masimirembwa, YS Naik & JA Hasler (1997). Phenotyping of the glutathione S-transferase M1 polymorphism in humans and the effects of chloroquine on blood glutathione S-transferase M1 and A. Clinica Chimica Acta. 265;145-155.
- Magwere T, YS Naik & JA Hasler (1997). Primaquine alters antioxidant enzyme profiles in rat liver and kidney. Free Radical Research. 27: 173-179.
- Naik YS & JA Hasler. (1998). The effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on hepatic drug metabolism. South African Journal of Science. 94;301-302.
- Mukanganyama SE, YS Naik, M Widersten, B Mannervik & JA Hasler (2001). Proposed reductive metabolism of artemisinin by glutathione transferases in vitro. Free Radical Research. 35: 427-434.
- Mukanganyama SE, M Widersten, YS Naik, B Mannervik & JA Hasler (2002). Inhibition of glutathione S-transferases by antimalarial drugs: Possible implications for circumventing anticancer drug resistance. International Journal of Cancer. 97: 700-705.
- Naik YS & JA Hasler (2002). An economical method for the maintenance of the schistosome life-cycle using outdoor facilities. Discovery and Innovation. 14: 221-224.
- Masola B, M Chibi, YS Naik, E Kandere & MF Zaranyika (2003). Activities of glutatmate dehydrogenase, alanine and aspartate aminotransferases in freshwater snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis exposed to copper. Biomarkers. 8: 33-42.
- Nyamambi B, LR Ndlovu, YS Naik & ND Kock (2007). Intestinal growth and function of broiler chicks fed sorghum based diets differing in condensed tannin levels. South African Journal of Animal Science. 37: 202-214.
- Naik YS & JA Hasler. (2008). Preparation of liver microsomes for measurement of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes: The effects of collagenase and polyethyleneglycol 6000. Discovery and Innovation. 20: 25-28.
- Masola B, M Chibi, E Kandere YS Naik, & MF Zaranyika. (2008). Potential marker enzymes and metal-metal interactions in Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis exposed to cadmium. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety. 70: 79-87.
- Siwela AH, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. (2009). Metal accumulation and antioxidant enzyme activity in O. mossambicus (Bream) and C. gariepinus (Catfish) collected from Lower Mguza and Wright Dams, Zimbabwe. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 83: 648-51.
- Siwela AH, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. (2010). A comparison of metal levels and antioxidant enzymes in freshwater snails, Lymnaea natalensis, exposed to sediment and water collected from Wright Dam and Lower Mguza Dam, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 73: 728-732.
- Basopo N & YS Naik. (2012). Inhibition of esterases of the freshwater snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis by mixtures of pesticides. International Journal of Environmental Protection 2: 27-30.
- Dzobo K & Naik YS. (2013). Effect of selenium on cadmium-induced oxidative stress and esterase activity in rat organs. South African Journal of Science. 013;109(5/6), Art. #965, 8 pages. sajs.2013/965
- Basopo, N, LT Mumbamarwo, D Mnkandla & YS Naik.(2014). Pollutant mixtures as stressors of selected enzyme activities of the aquatic snail Helisoma duryi. Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology. 6: 27-37,
- Mashaah T, J Hakim, M Chidzonga, RA Kangwende, YS Naik, N Federspiel, S Fiorillo, J Scott, Gomo E. (2014). Strengthening research governance for sustainable research: experiences from
- three Zimbabwean universities. Academic Medicine. 89 (Suppl): S69-72.
- Tafangenyasha C, B Marshall & Y Naik (2014). The influence of a semi-arid lowland river with human interferences on benthic macro-invertebrate productivity. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2: 37-47.
- M Ndabambi, N Basopo, LC Nkiwane & YS Naik (2015) The molluscicidal efficacy of methanol extracts of Pterocarpus angolensis, Sclerocarya birrea, Pappea capensis and Commiphora africana against Lymnaea natalensis and Helisoma duryi, African Journal of Aquatic Science, 40: 107-8.
- N Basopo & YS Naik. (2016), Carbaryl and dimethoate induced alterations of the antioxidant defense system in two freshwater pulmonate snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. Annals of Biological Research, 7: 1-8.
- C Teta & YS Naik. (2017). Vitellogenin induction and reduced fecundity in zebrafish exposed to effluents from the City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Chemosphere, 167: 282-290.
- C Teta, M Ncube & YS Naik. (2017). Heavy metal contamination of water and fish in peri-urban dams around Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 42: 351-8.
- C Teta, BF Holbech, L Norrgren & YS Naik. (2017). Occurrence of oestrogenic pollutants and widespread feminisation of male tilapia fish in peri-urban dams in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 43: 17-26.
- C Teta & YS Naik. (2018). Endosulfan causes reduced fertilization success and abnormal embryo development to zebrafish. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. 100: 452-464.
Journal articles- Non-refereed
- Naik YS.(1987). Xenobiotic metabolism. Zimbabwe Science News. 21;125-128.
Book Chapters – Refereed
- Naik YS & DR Livingstone. (2003). Use of molluscs as biomarkers of environmental pollution. British Crop Protection Council Symposium No 21. Slugs and Snails. Canterbury. pp 27-34.
- Naik YS. (2003). Xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes of freshwater snails. Implications for molluscicides metabolism. Ibid. pp 205-208.
- Naik YS and M Akerblom (2004). Promoting Basic Scientific Research on Water in Southern Africa. In: Strengthening capacity for water resources research in developing countries; Addressing the peaceful application of chemistry. IFS Seminar at Stockholm Water Symposium 2003.C Oman, M Stahl & E Rostig (Eds) pp 75-78
Conference Proceedings – Refereed
- Hasler JA, YS Naik & CB Nyathi. (1991). Interactions between schistosomiasis and carcinogenesis. African Newsletter on Occupational Health & Safety. 2;65-69.
- Naik YS, L Chirombe & JA Hasler. (1995). Effect of pesticides on the glutathione S- transferases of aquatic snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. 3rd Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries. Cairo, Egypt. Vol II;51-57.
- Naik YS, R Kanyepi, N Ndiweni, JA Hasler & CB Nyathi. (1996). Cytosolic glutathione S-transferases of ostrich liver. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Science and Technology. Harare. pp 12-14
- Naik YS, JA Hasler & DP Giga. (1996). Glutathione S-transferase activity in the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Science & Technology Harare.pp 15-17.
- Chirombe L, A Maredza, G Chingwena & YS Naik. (1997). The use of molluscs to monitor water pollution. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Medical Malacology in Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe. pp 253-257.
- Naik YS, L Chirombe & A Maredza. (2000). Biomarkers of freshwater pesticide pollution. Proceedings of International Conference on Water and Health-OUAGA 2000. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Vol I. pp 38-40.
- Naik YS. (2010). Proposal for a new Network on Chemicals Management in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of an International Conference on “Regional and Inter-Regional Cooperation to Strengthen Basic Sciences in Developing Countries”. [Organized by SIDA, ISP Uppsala University and Addis Ababa University]. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Chapter 21. pp 189-94.
- Naik YS. (2010). Southern African Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (SARBIO) Network: Challenges and the way forward. Ibid. Chapter 33. 237-41.
Conference Proceedings – Non-refereed
- Naik YS & JA Hasler. (1990). Strain dependant variation in the response of hepatic drug metabolising enzymes to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Microsomes & Drug Oxidations. Page 232.
- Naik YS. (1997). An overview of the potential for biological monitoring of water pollution. Proceedings of a conference: The problem of water pollution and its control in Zimbabwe”. Seminar. Institute of Water & Sanitation Development. Harare. pp 18-27.
- Maredza A & YS Naik. (1998). Altered esterase activity due to pesticide exposure in the aquatic snail Physa acuta. Proceedings of the First Pan-African Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Nairobi, Kenya. pp 300-304.
- Naik YS. (2006). Interaction of natural products with xenobiotic metabolising enzymes of aquatic snail vectors of parasitic diseases. 4th AFASSA [Africa, Asia,S. America Network for Natural Products Research] Conference]. Monte Video, Uruguay. pp 51-53.
- Book Reviews
- Naik YS. (1997). Book Review. “Biological oxidants and antioxidants”. Packer L & Cadenas E (eds). Hippokrates Verlag, Stutgart. ISBN-3-7773-1114-3. Central African Journal of Medicine. 40;362.
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Zimbabwe. Annual Research Day. Prize, for best paper presented.
- 1994 & 1996. Biochemistry Society of Zimbabwe. Supervisor of undergraduate student. Prize, for best paper presented.
- Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, Europe. Environmental Education Award.
- Southern African Research & Innovation Managers Association (SARIMA). Award for contributions to the advancement of research management in the SADC region.
1989-97: Workshops for “A level” Teachers on annual basis on biochemistry and biotechnology [On behalf of and as member of BMBS Zimbabwe. UZ, Harare, Zimbabwe]. Co-organiser.
1996: Protein Technology workshop. (Jointly with Prof.J Walker, Univ. of Hertfordshire + UZ). (2X1wk workshops). [As staff member of Biochemistry Dept, UZ]. Co-organiser.
1997: Pan African Environmental Mutagen Society. Harare, Zimbabwe. Co-organiser.
1998: Fourth Conference of the Society of Free Radical Research- Africa, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Organiser.
1999: Water Pollution in Zimbabwe. (Jointly with Dr David R Livingstone, Plymouth Marine Lab, UK) [1X1wk workshop]. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Organiser.
2000: Pesticide use in Developing Countries: Environmental fate, effects and public health implications. International Conference. Arusha, Tanzania. Co-organiser.
2015-2016: Research Intellectual Output, Science Engineering Technology (RIOSET) EXPO. Chair- NUST LOC.
2016: Workshop on Strengthening Research Management at universities in Zimbabwe. Organiser. (sponsored by SARIMA)
2017: Southern Africa Nordic Institute (SANORD) 10th International Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Chair- NUST- LOC.
- 1984 Aug. 5th-19th:UNESCO/ICRO Workshop on “The Biochemistry of Oxygen Toxicity”. Oporto, Portugal.
- 1990 Jun. 30th: Workshop on “Glutathione Transferases”. Uppsala, Sweden.
- 1991 Aug 17th: "Veterinary toxicological problems in the Third World today with special emphasis on Zimbabwe". Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Zimbabwe.
- 1991 Sep. 9th-20th: WHO/IARC Workshop on "Detection of health hazards in human populations exposed to chemical mutagens and carcinogens". Harare, Zimbabwe.
- 1996 Mar 11th -14th: "Teaching and Learning in Higher Education". UTLC, UZ.
- 1997 Jul. 14th-18th: ”FEBS Advanced Protein Tech. Course”. University of Hertfordshire, UK
- 1997 Sep. 15th-18th: 4th Hollaender Workshop on Genetic Toxicology”. Cairo, Egypt.
- 2003: Biotechnology in Zimbabwe. Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe. Harare.
- 2004/5: Awareness of GM foods. Biosafety Board of Zimbabwe. Bulawayo & Beitbridge.
- 2005: Ecotoxicological Monitoring and Control of Agrochemicals in the West Indian Ocean. Coastal Marine Environment. Zanzibar, Tanzania.
- 2005: Sourcing Funds for Land and Water Use. SADC/EU. Bulawayo.
- 2010-11: Research Methods course for trainers. EU/ACP. Maun, Botswana and Khartoum, Sudan. 10 days each course. X2 cohorts of 30 persons each.
- 2017-18: Research proposal development course for Post graduate students. University of Limpopo, S Africa. (In conjunction with IFS, Sweden). 05-day intensive course. X2 cohort of 20 persons ea
(P= Poster presentation O= Oral presentation). Presenting author is underlined.
O 1987.YS Naik & JA Hasler. The effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on the hepatic drug metabolising enzymes of mice and hamsters. Research Day 1987,Faculty of Medicine, University of Zimbabwe.
O 1988.YS Naik & JA Hasler. Preparation of hamster liver microsomes:The effect of collagenase and
polyethylene glycol.1st National Symposium on Science & Technology in Zimbabwe. Harare.
O 1990.YS Naik & JA Hasler. Age and sex related differences in hepatic drug metabolising enzymes of three common laboratory animals.2nd National Symposium on Science & Technology, Harare.
P 1990.YS Naik & JA Hasler.The effect of chronic administration of thiopental on the inducibility of drug metabolising enzymes of Schistosoma mansoni infected hamsters. Ibid.
O 1990.T Mubazangi, JA Hasler & YS Naik. Glutathione transferase of Schistosoma mansoni and its interaction with praziquantel. Research Day 1990, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zimbabwe.
O 1997.YS Naik. An overview of the potential for biological monitoring of water pollution. The problem of water pollution and its control in Zimbabwe”. Seminar. Institute of Water and Sanitation Development, Harare. {Invited}.
O 1999.B Karemba, AH Siwela & YS Naik. Antioxidant enzyme profiles in a species of ornamental fish (koi). Research Day 1999, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe. Harare.
O 1999.B Ndlovu & YS Naik. Esterase activity in two species of terrestrial pulmonates: Helix aspersa and Acathina spp. Ibid.
O 2000.N Basopo, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. Esterase activity of two aquatic snail species: Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. Research Day 2000, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe.Harare.
O 2000.AH Siwela, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. A comparison of some antioxidant enzymes in African catfish collected from Umguza and Mzingwane dams, Bulawayo. Ibid.
O 2002. YS Naik. Biomarkers of environmental pollution. Research Day 2002, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe.Harare. {Invited}.
O 2002. Basopo N, CB, Nyathi and YS Naik, In vitro effects of carbaryl and dimethoate on esterases
of Lymnaea natalensis. Ibid.
O 2002. AH Siwela, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. Species and sex related differences in antioxidant enzymes of fish collected from dams around Bulawayo. Ibid.
O 2008. YS Naik. Potential impact of natural dyes and fibers on the ecosystem. “University Partnerships with Communities in Sustainable Exploitation of Natural Resources Using Textile and Related Technologies.” 3rd DELPHE Workshop Dept. Textile Technology, Bulawayo. {Invited}.
O 2010. Basopo N, AH Siwela, CB Nyathi and YS Naik. Biochemical markers of chemicals posing a threat to Zimbabwe’s ecosystems. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe.Harare.
O 2012. C Teta, L Danielson, L Norrgren & YS Naik. Detection of oestogenic pollutants in water systems from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe Symposium. Harare.
O 2012. N Basopo, M Muchairi & YS Naik. Assessment of the oxidative stress status of the freshwater snails Lymnaea natalensis after in vitro exposure of commercial and standard pesticide products. Ibid.
O 2013. C Teta and YS Naik, Biochemical and molecular markers of estrogenic environmental pollutants. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe Symposium. Harare.
O 2013. M Ndabambi, and YS Naik, The effects of Commiphora africana methanolic extract on glutathione metabolism and esterase enzymes in two aquatic snails. Ibid.
P 1995.SE Mukanganyama,YS Naik & JA Hasler.The effect of chloroquine and quinine on cytosolic
glutathione S-transferases in the rat. South African Biochemical Society Congress Bloemfontein, South Africa,April 1995.
O 1996.A Maredza & YS Naik.Altered esterase activity due to pesticide exposure in the aquatic snail Physa acuta. First Pan-African Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Nairobi, November 1996.
P 1997. SE Mukanganyama, T Magwere, YS Naik & JA Hasler. Glutathione S-transferases and antioxidant enzymes of the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta. 1st Conference of the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Nairobi, Kenya.
O 1998.T Magwere, JW DePierre, YS Naik & JA Hasler. Attenuation of peroxisomal enzyme activities following chloroquine treatment in rat liver and kidney.38th Annual Congress of the Federations of Southern African Societies of Pathology. Pretoria, South Africa.
O 1998.SE Mukanganyama, YS Naik, M Widersten, B Mannervik & JA Hasler. Proposed reductive metabolism of artemisinin by glutathione S-transferases in vitro. 2nd Conference of the Federation African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Potchefstroom, South Africa.
O 1999.L Chirombe & YS Naik. Altered antioxidant enzyme activity due to pesticide exposure in the aquatic snails Lymnaea natalensis and Helisoma duryi Third Workshop on Medical Malacology in Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe.
O 2000. T Magwere, YS Naik & JA Hasler. Differential effects of some quinoline antimalarial drugs on rat antioxidant enzyme activities. South African Biochemical Society Congress, Grahamstown, South Africa.
O 2003. N Basopo, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. Inhibition of esterase activity in the aquatic vector Lymnaea natalensis by pirimiphos methyl. 4th Workshop on Medical Malacology in Africa. Kampala, Uganda.
O 2003. N Basopo, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. Thionphosphate inhibition of esterase activity in freshwater snail Helisoma duryi. 4th Conference of the Society of Free Radical Research-Africa, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
O 2003. AH Siwela, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. A comparison of antioxidant enzymes and metals in freshwater snails exposed to Umguza and Wright Dams, Zimbabwe. Ibid.
O 2004. N Basopo & YS Naik. Potential use of esterases as markers of aquatic pollution by organophosphate and carbamate pesticides: A Review. Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists Conference 2004. Johannesburg, South Africa.
O 2004. KT Sakala, MF Zaranyika, B Masola & YS Naik. The effect of heavy metals on superoxide dismutase activity in the freshwater snails Lymnaea natalensis and Helisoma duryi. Ibid.
O 2004. AH Siwela, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. Occurrence of trace metals in sediment, plants and water and bioaccumulation in plants, fish and snails exposed to these elements collected from Matopo Dam, Zimbabwe. 9th Int. Chem. Conf. in Africa. Arusha, Tanzania.
O 2004. N Basopo, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. Molluscan esterase activity as a biomarker of aquatic pollution caused by monocrotophos. 1st Conference of the African Network for the Chemical Analyses of Pesticides (ANCAP). Arusha, Tanzania.
O 2005. YS Naik. Biochemical markers of environmental water pollution. Regional Workshop on Ecotoxicological Monitoring and Control of Agrochemicals in the West Indian Ocean Coastal Marine Environment. Zanzibar, Tanzania. [Invited].
O 2006. YS Naik. Altered antioxidant enzymes as a potential biomarker of environmental pesticide pollution. A Review. ANCAP-SETAC Africa Conference International Conference on the use of pesticides in Developing Countries. Environmental Fate, effects and impact on public health. Arusha, Tanzania.
O 2006. N Basopo and YS Naik. In vivo effects of pesticides and agrochemicals on esterase activity of the aquatic snail Helisoma duryi. Ibid.
O 2006. Basopo N, CB Nyathi and YS Naik. Recovery of choline and non-cholinesterase activity of the freshwater snail Lymnaea natalensis following exposure to six pesticides. 5th Congress of the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FASBMB). Abuja, Nigeria
O 2007. YS Naik. Ecotoxicological research in Africa: Challenges and prospects. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 1st Annual Scientific Meeting of The Cameroon Society for Toxicological Sciences. Buea, Cameroon. {Invited}.
O 2007. R Ziso, N Basopo and YS Naik. Time dependent effects of carbaryl and dimethoate pesticides on antioxidant enzymes of two freshwater snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. Joint East and Southern Africa Environmental Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry in Africa conference. Victoria falls, Zimbabwe.
P 2009. N Basopo and YS Naik. Toxicological effects of non B-esterase inhibitors in the aquatic snail Helisoma duryi. 6th Conference of the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Marrakech, Morocco.
P 2009. C Teta, Norrgren L and YS Naik. Teartogens in water systems from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Ibid.
O 2009. Basopo N. and YS Naik. 2009. Evaluation of inhibitory effects of insecticides, herbicides and
fungicides on enzymes of the freshwater mollusc Lymnaea natalensis. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Africa. 4th Conference. Kampala, Uganda.
P 2009. YS Naik, N Basopo, K Sakla, C Teta, AH Siwela. Biomonitoring: New sensor technologies for environmental water monitoring. Pan African Chemistry Network Conference on “Green Chemistry and Sustainability”. Nairobi, Kenya.
O 2011. N Basopo, L Mumbamarwo and YS Naik. Pollutant mixtures as stressors of esterases of the aquatic snail Helisoma duryi. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Africa. 5th Conference. Buea, Cameroon.
O 2013. YS Naik, N Sithole and C Teta. The potential teratogenic effects of flush toilet detergents and fragrances to freshwater Zebra fish (Danio rerio). 6th Conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Africa. Lusaka, Zambia.
O 2013. M Ndabambi, N Basopo and YS Naik, The effects of Pappea capensis methanolic extract on esterase enzymes in two aquatic snails. Ibid.
O 2013. C Teta and YS Naik, Urbanization, poor liquid waste management and environmental effects in developing countries: a case study of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Ibid.
O 2017.YS Naik, C Teta, D Tapfuma, K Sakala, N Basopo, CB Nyathi and AH Siwela. Biomarker use for monitoring water pollution in Zimbabwe. 5th China Africa Water Resources Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. {Invited}.
P 1987. JA Hasler & YS Naik. The effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on the hepatic drug metabolising enzymes of hamsters. VIIth International Symposium on Microsomes & Drug Oxidations. Adelaide, Australia.
P 1990. YS Naik & JA Hasler. Strain dependant variation in the response of hepatic drug metabolising enzymes to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. VIIIth International Symposium on Microsomes & Drug Oxidations. Stockholm, Sweden.
O 1990.JA Hasler & YS Naik. The effect of three species of schistosomes on hepatic drug metabolism in male BALB/c mice. XIth Congress of the International Union of Pharmacology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
O 1993.YS Naik, T Magwere, M Matiyenga & JA Hasler. Xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes of the African freshwater snails Helisoma duryi & Lymnaea natalensis.3rd International Congress of Medical & Applied Malacology Camden, NSW, Australia.
O 1995.JA Hasler, T Magwere & YS Naik.The effect of chronic chloroquine treatment on antioxidant enzymes in rat liver and kidney.2nd Winter Research Conference on Cellular Adaptation to Oxidative Stress. Les Deux Alpes, France.
P 1995.SE Mukanganyama, YS Naik, M Masimirembwa & JA Hasler.The effect of chloroquine on levels of glutathione S-transferase- α and µ in humans. International ISSX Workshop on Glutathione S-transferases. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
O 1995.YS Naik, L Chirombe & JA Hasler.Effect of pesticides on the glutathione S-transferases of aquatic.3rd Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries. Cairo, Egypt.
P 1996.T Magwere, YS Naik & JA Hasler.Chloroquine and primaquine alter antioxidant enzyme status in rat liver and kidney. Vth International Symposium on Orthomolecular Medicine: Nutrition, Antioxidants in Aging and Disease.Sao Paulo, Brazil.
O 1997. YS Naik & JA Hasler. Factors affecting the metabolism of xenobiotics. 4th Alexander Hollaender Workshop on Genetic Toxicology”. Cairo, Egypt. {Invited}.
O 1997. YS Naik, K Dzobo, N Ndiweni & PVV Prasada Rao. The effect of cadmium and selenium administration on the antioxidant status of rat testis. Nutritional and Antioxidant Aspects of Diseases of the Tropics. Harare, Zimbabwe.
O 1998.YS Naik & JA Hasler.The effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on hepatic drug metabolism. WHO Conference on the Biochemistry of Parasites. Cape Town, South Africa. {Invited}
O 1998.YS Naik. Xenobiotic metabolising enzymes of freshwater snails. Implications for molluscicide metabolism. Final Conference of the Schistosomiasis Research Project. Cairo, Egypt.
O 1999.G Chingwena & YS Naik. Pesticide induced alterations in xenobiotic metabolising enzymes of the aquatic snail Bulinus tropicus. 3rd Conference of the Pan African Environmental Mutagen Society, Harare, Zimbabwe.
O 1999.T Magwere, F Lucesoli, CG Fraga, JW DePierre, YS Naik & JA Hasler. Levels of oxidative damage to DNA and lipids in chloroquine and primaquine treated rat livers. Ibid.
O 2000. YS Naik, L Chirombe & A Maredza. Biomarkers of freshwater pesticide pollution. International Conference on Water and Health-OUAGA 2000. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
P 2002. YS Naik, G Chingwena & DP Giga. Esterases and antioxidant enzymes of the cotton pests Helicoverpa armigera and Diparopsis castanea. 10th IUPAC International Congress on the Chemistry of Crop Protection. Basel, Switzerland.
P 2002. YS Naik, N Basopo and CB Nyathi, Pesticide induced alterations in activities of the freshwater
snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. Ibid.
O 2003. YS Naik. Altered enzyme activity in aquatic snails as a potential biomarker of pesticide exposure. International Conference on Pesticides in Non-target Agricultural Environments; environmental and economic implications. Cape Town, South Africa.
P 2003. N Basopo, CB Nyathi & YS Naik. Time dependent effects of pesticide exposure on esterase activities of two aquatic snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. Ibid.
O 2003. YS Naik. Biomarkers of environmental pollution. 4th Conference of the Pan African Environmental Mutagen Society. Cairo, Egypt. {Invited}.
O 2003. KT Sakala, MF Zaranyika, B Masola & YS Naik. The effect of heavy metals on antioxidant enzyme activity in the freshwater snails Lymnaea natalensis and Helisoma duryi. Ibid.
P 2003. YS Naik, N Basopo and CB Nyathi. Dose dependant inhibition of esterase activity in Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. 13th Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. Hamburg, Germany.
P 2004. N Basopo CB Nyathi and YS Naik. Esterase activity in the aquatic snail Helisoma duryi resulting from exposure to monocrotophos under field simulated conditions Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 14th Meeting Prague, Czech Republic.
P 2004. S Mafu, N Basopo and YS Naik. Plasma esterase activity of domestic dogs and cats and their inhibition by organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. Ibid.
O 2004. YS Naik. The role of natural products in environmental toxicology and health. 2nd AFASSA [Africa, Asia, S. America Network for Natural Products Research] Conference Kandy, Sri Lanka. {Invited}.
P 2005. G Chingwena and YS Naik. Inconsistent alterations by pesticides of antioxidant enzymes in the aquatic snails Bulinus tropicus and Lymnaea natalensis. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 15th Meeting. Lille, France.
O 2006. YS Naik. Interaction of natural products with xenobiotic metabolising enzymes of aquatic snail vectors of parasitic diseases Africa. Asia, South America (AFASSA) Conference on Natural Products. Monte Video, Uruguay. {Invited}.
P 2006. N Basopo and YS Naik. Role of reactive oxygen species in carbaryl and dimethoate toxicity in an aquatic snail Lymnaea natalensis. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 16th Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands.
O 2006. YS Naik, C Makamure and S Dube. Levels of metals in soil, water and vegetables of “polluted” and “pristine” environments of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Ibid.
O 2007. YS Naik, K Sakala, JK Chipman and DR Livingstone. Genotoxicity in bream (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to textile effluent. Ibid. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 17th Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
P 2007. N Basopo, CB Nyathi and YS Naik. Effects of technical grade and formulated pesticides on esterase activity in freshwater snail H duryi. Ibid.
O 2008. YS Naik, H Dube and B Abegaz. Interaction of five plant extracts with antioxidant enzymes of Lymnaea natalensis. ISDNP-IOCD. 5th International Meeting on Natural Products. Kasane, Botswana.
O 2008. YS Naik, N Basopo and CB Nyathi. Recovery of choline and non-cholinesterase activity of the freshwater snail Helisoma duryi following exposure to six pesticides. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 18th Meeting, Warsaw, Poland.
O 2008. N Basopo & YS Naik. Carbaryl and dimethoate induced alterations of the antioxidant defense system in an aquatic snail Helisoma duryi. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 5th World Congress Meeting, Sydney, Australia.
O 2008. YS Naik. Mutagenic pesticides and the environment". 6th Conference of the Pan African Environmental Mutagen Society. Cape Town, S Africa.
O 2009. YS Naik. Emerging chemical issues of relevance to African countries. (EMERCHEM Special Session). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 19th Meeting, Goteborg, Sweden. {Invited}.
P 2009. N Basopo, and YS Naik. Enhanced esterase inhibition of aquatic snails by binary mixtures of insecticides and herbicides or fungicides. Ibid.
P 2009. C Teta, L Norrgren and YS Naik. Reproductive and teratogenic effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of endosulfan: Zebrafish as a model. Ibid.
O 2010. YS Naik. The risk assessment needs for better management of pesticides in Developing Countries of Africa. 12th International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Conference on pesticide chemistry. Melbourne, Australia. {Invited}.
O 2012. C Teta, B Holbeck, L Norrgren and YS Naik. Detection of estrogenic and androgenic chemicals in waste waters and peri urban water bodies in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 6th World Congress, Berlin, Germany.
P 2012. N Basopo, CB Nyathi and YS Naik. A comparison of the effects of the organophosphate pirimiphos methyl on two freshwater snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. Ibid.
P 2012. N Basopo and YS Naik. Carbaryl and dimethoate induced alterations in the antioxidant defense system of the aquatic snail Helisoma duryi. Ibid.
(P= Poster presentation O= Oral presentation). Presenting author is underlined.
- O 2012. YS Naik.Developing and Implementing Research Policy. A Case study of the National University of Science & Technology, Bulawayo. SARIMA Training Workshop on “Implementing Research Policy and Strategy”. Harare. {Invited}.
- O 2011. YS Naik. The ‘sandwich’ model as a useful tool for SANORD to adopt for capacity building in Southern African Universities. 3rd Southern African- Nordic Centre (SANORD) Conference Johannesburg, S Africa.
- O 2012. YS Naik. Prioritising research & innovation at the institutional level. “SADC Research and Innovation Management Workshop”. Johannesburg, S Africa). {Invited}.
- O 2012. YS Naik. Managing Research Excellence and University Research Office. SECOLO Consultants Conference on ‘Innovation, Research and Development Capacity’. Johannesburg, S Africa). {Invited}.
- O 2012. YS Naik. Developing research capacity at universities through attracting and retaining research talent. Ibid. {Invited}.
- O 2012. YS Naik. Accessing larger grants for young researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and possible solutions. Southern African Research and Innovation Managers Association. (SARIMA) 10th Meeting, Port Elizabeth, S Africa.
- O 2013. YS Naik, A Kangwende and E Gomo. Professionalization of Research Management in Zimbabwe: Options for SADC universities. Southern African Research and Innovation Managers Association. (SARIMA) 11th Meeting, Cape Town, S Africa. {Invited}.
- O 2013. YS Naik, The benefits of long term co-operation between funders and scientists. 5th Southern African- Nordic Centre (SANORD) Conference, Lilongwe, Malawi.
- P 2015. YS Naik, A Kangwende and E Gomo. Research policy development at 3 universities in Zimbabwe. Southern African Research and Innovation Managers Association. (SARIMA) 13th Meeting, Johannesburg, S Africa.
- O 2015. YS Naik. Experiences with research dissemination with part-time undergraduate interns in a resource challenged setting. Ibid.
- O 2016. YS Naik. Accessing larger research grants for young researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Challenges and possible solutions. 9th Southern African- Nordic Centre (SANORD) Conference Uppsala, Sweden.
- P 2017. YS Naik. Addressing challenges to collaborative grant proposals within SADC. Southern African Research and Innovation Managers Association. (SARIMA) 15th Meeting, Windhoek, Namibia.
- O 2018. YS Naik. Routes of research output dissemination at NUST, Bulawayo: Lessons from the DRUSSA programme. 11th Southern African- Nordic Centre (SANORD) Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland.
- O 2018. YS Naik. Routes of research output dissemination. SARIMA workshop on ‘Strengthening the capacities of science granting councils to manage research’. Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
- O 2010. YS Naik. Interdisciplinary ‘research clusters’ to promote research at a young university. International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS). 03rd Meeting, Cape Town, S Africa.
- Recipient of international award for ‘Environmental Education'
- Initiated projects, obtained (institutional and international competitive) grants (Uppsala University - SE, DfID-UK) and successfully supervised (MPhil/PhD) research students. Published several papers in reputable journals with a reputable ‘author score’ in ORCID/Scopus/Google Scholar
Research management : Director of the Research & Innovation Office at NUST 2008 to 2019.
- Developed The Research Policy and Research Ethics Policy policies and provided training to early career researchers.
- Successfully engaged ACU to attract grants (training on research dissemination + ECR development) and NIH (strengthen research management at NUST).
- Assisted in the ‘internationalisation’ of NUST through administration of fellowships (EU/Erasmus Mundus/Uppsala University SE + DAAD/University of Pretoria fellowships for staff development + engaged with University of the Free State to establish collaborations and training for NUST staff.
- Currently serve on the ‘Africa Engagement portfoilio’ of SARIMA that promotes Research Management training and advice to Research mangers as well as Science Granting Councils in Sub Saharan Africa.
RESEARCH: Grants & Supervision
Student supervision (as principle supervisor) [as associate are not listed here]
UZ (1987-1998) (Published 11 manuscripts + material for 06+ others)
- PhD Biochem, 03 completed
- Undergrad/UZ Biochem/Vet Sci, 15 completed
NUST (1998-2018) (Published 03 manuscripts + material for 08 others)
- MPhil/PhD ABB/ESH/FIT, 06 completed
- Undergrad ABB/ESH/ACH, 14 completed
Grants (as Project Leader/Network co-ordinator) 1994 to date
Source |
Duration |
Amount(US$) |
Beneficiaries |
1994-1998 |
5,000 |
Dep/Students |
1994-1998 |
6,000 |
Dep/Students |
1998-2004 |
8,000 |
Dep/Students |
IFS (Sweden) |
1992-1994 |
12,000 |
Dep/Students/UZ |
IFS (Sweden) |
1992-1994 |
10,000 |
Dep/Stu/NUST |
1998-2014 |
500,000 |
Dep/Stu/NUST |
2001-2003 |
32,000 |
Dep/Stu/NUST |
2005- 2007 |
50,000 |
SARBIO Network |
2005-2009 |
250,000 |
NUST+ region |
AFASSA Network |
2006-2007 |
25,000 |
“South-South” |
- Served as Chair of Department at NUST on several departmental and faculty committees.
- Served on several National, Regional and International Committees/boards related to research (biochemistry + environmental toxicology + research management).
- email : [email protected]
- Telephone extension : 2004
Administrative Personnel