Sports & Recreation Services


The Sports and Recreation Department is a unit within the Division of Student Affairs that has the broad overall responsibility of providing sporting and recreational opportunities and activities which contribute to the health, wellness and personal development of the students.

We encourage you to enjoy your time and experience at NUST by participating in the various sports codes that the University offers through the Sports Department. Our Section provides members of the University community with opportunities to participate in a range of sporting activities at the level they choose.

Sports Clubs
NUST currently has 18 active Sports Clubs which participate in various Internal, Local, Regional, National and International University and Tertiary Sport Competitions. Our Cricket, Basketball, Football, Hockey and Netball teams are involved in vibrant Regional and Provincial Leagues. We also boast of our NUST Football Club which is part of the ZIFA Division 2 league.


Membership to clubs is by registration through the sports office and it is free and open to all bona fide NUST students. Students can contact the Sports Department every day of the week from 0800 hrs and 1630 hrs, for more information about the activities of these clubs. NUST currently offers the following sport codes:


  • Athletics             Campus Sport Fields
  • Basketball          BCD Courts
  • Chess                Campus
  • Cricket               Academy of Cricket Excellence
  • Darts                  Campus
  • Football              Campus Sport Fields
  • Golf                    Harry Allen Golf Course
  • Handball            Khumalo Hockey Stadium
  • Hockey              Khumalo Hockey Stadium
  • Netball               Campus Sport Fields
  • Pool                   Campus
  • Rugby                Hartsfield Sports Club
  • Swimming          City Swimming Pool
  • Table Tennis       Campus
  • Volleyball           Campus Sport Fields          
  • Tennis                BAC Sports Club
  • Martial Arts        Bulawayo Bowling Club
  • Taekwondo        Dynamics Health Studio
The Student Sports Council
The Student Sports Council, which is an elected body representing all the registered sports clubs of the University, is a Sub-committee of the Student Representative Council and its operations are governed by a constitution. The Sports Department works very closely with the Student Sports Council.