The DELTA Carling Black Label has awarded National University of Science and Technology’s ladies darts team with three dart boards for being the 2019 Zimbabwe Tertiary Institutions Sports Union (ZTISU) games champions.

The ZTISU games which were sponsored by Carling Black Label (DELTA) saw the Zimbabwe Universities Sports Association (ZUSA) silver medalists thrashing Midlands State University, the usual champions, proving to be untouchable to all teacher’s colleges, polytechnics and

universities’ teams. The games were hosted by the University of Zimbabwe from the 17th to the 22nd of June 2019. 

Carling Black Label’s representative, Mr Paul Danisa said that the company will continue supporting the NUST’s sports and recreation department as it has done with soccer and pool disciplines.

“We are here to recognize champions because we believe that champions come from tertiary institutions.” said Mr Danisa. He added that: “The statement I am leaving you with is that always reward the champion in you.”

NUST’s male counterparts this year gave the ladies the spot light as they are the 2018 ZTISU games champions and gold medalist at the Confederation of Universities and Colleges of Southern Africa (CUCSA) games which were held at Gaborone, Botswana.

The ladies’ team captain, Nicola Ndlovu appreciated the equipment handed over to them by Delta and the support given by NUST throughout their journey. She also said that the equipment will go a long way in maintaining and improving the standards of performance.

“We promise to put to good use the equipment received and as the team’s motto is “To reach for gold”, we will continue making the institution proud.”

NUST’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Dr Gatsha Mazithulela described the performance by the team as splendid adding that they should pursue their talents with much vigour.

“Congratulations are in order, I can see world champion darts players here and don’t take this lightly because if you are achieving this much in open competition then you can surely take on the world.” said Dr Mazithulela.

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