
Director of Legal Services : Mrs. N. L. Ndlovu

Providing expert and strategic legal advice to the University's Executive and staff members on laws affecting the University with a view to promoting compliance;
Formulating and implementing Legal Risk Management Strategy for the University;
Drafting and reviewing collaboration and partnership agreements and contracts including service level agreements;
Analysing and reviewing the University's legal agreements, documents, policies and procedures;
Litigation management through review of cases and tracking progress on various litigation cases;
Serve as the liaison person with external University lawyers, corporate entities, government agencies and individuals over litigation, compliance and regulatory issues;
Providing and interpreting statutes and legal information governing the University to management and staff;
Keeping abreast of relevant legal and regulatory developments, laws and government policies and providing timeous legal updates to the relevant sections of the University; and
Representing the University and its organs in Courts of law and other judicial and administrative tribunals like the Staff Disciplinary Committee and Student Disciplinary Committee
Director Research and Internationalisation Office : Dr T. Ncube
Dr Thembekile Ncube is the Director of Research and Internationalisation Office. She is the first female academic to hold the post. Previously she was the Chairperson of the Department of Applied Biology and Biochemistry, where she has been lecturing and supervising undergraduate and MSc students since 2003. Dr Ncube holds a PhD in Microbiology from the University of Limpopo, MSc in Microbiology (University of Fort Hare), a BSc Honours in Applied Biology and Biochemistry (NUST) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (NUST). In May 2009, she was a Trainee in Fermentation Technology Unit at the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research in Johannesburg, South Africa. Dr Ncube has also lectured on Food Hygiene and Food Microbiology to Diploma students at the Bulawayo Polytechnic College. She is the Founder and Vice-Chairperson of NUST Women in Science, Technology and Leadership group, which is concerned with the advancement of women academically as well as in research, innovation and leadership. She is also the Founder and team leader of the Environmental Biotechnology Research Group whose focus is the application of microbes in cleaning up polluted environments, utilization of waste materials for biofuels, bio-fertiliser production, and bio-mining technologies. She is the Co-Founder of the Girls Support Girls initiative, which motivates the girl-child in STEM-related careers as well as girl-child-related health issues. Dr Ncube is an award-winning researcher and reviewer of several journals including the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, the Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology and the International Journal of Environmental Science. She is a recipient of the Presidential Postgraduate Scholarship, PhD Africa Scholarships (National Research Foundation), 2019 IVLP Women in STEM leadership award (US) and a Research grant from the Research Council of Zimbabwe (2020-2022). Dr Ncube is a member of various boards including the NUST Council, Pig Industry Board and Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology Society of Zimbabwe.
- Design, develop and review academic research and innovation strategic plans, policies, procedures and systems.
- Introducing an enhanced research support and management structure that can deliver the strategic plans with a coherent and effective approach.
- Identify and exploit alternative sources of research funding.
- Develop a focused University wide interdisciplinary research culture and agenda.
- Deliver and disseminate impactful research and introduce research mentorship programmes for junior academic staff and early career researchers.
- Identify research output so as to encourage entrepreneurship and commercialization.
- Provide leadership on the internationalisation of research activity at NUST with institutions within the SADC region and abroad.
Director of Institutional Research and Quality assurance: Dr. N. Phuthi
Dr Nduduzo Phuthi is a Senior Lecturer and the founding Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Education at the National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe. Dr Phuthi holds a PhD degree from the University of Pretoria in the area of Assessment and Quality Assurance in Higher Education, a Masters degree in Science Education from Curtin University of Technology, Australia, a Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Technology and a Bachelor of Education degree in Biology from the University of Zimbabwe. He has accumulated a vast amount of teaching and research experience in the field of science and technology education, particularly in the area of science and mathematics teacher education. Prior to entering university service in 2000, Dr Phuthi was a senior lecturer at the Bulawayo Polytechnic, as well as teacher in primary and secondary schools. He has participated in regional and internal research programmes including the Southern African Universities Learning and Teaching (SAULT) Forum and UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
Duties Include
- Contribute to the initiation ,development,implementation and review of academic academic programmes and other projects to safeguard institutional quality standards.
- Source ,avail and manage knowledge and information on quality assurance matters pertaining to teaching and learning ,research and development ,student welfare,campus facilities,all round efficiency and any other functions as defined by university leadership from time to time
- Identify deficiencies in systems and operations and proffer effective corrective solutions
- Initiate and execute relevant education and training to university employees of various grades.
- Monitor institutional effectiveness and assist managers to make informed decisions.
- Investigate client needs and experiences and solve problems through consensus.
- Collect and analyse client performance data to explain problematic issues and predict trends affecting quality products and service delivery.
- Liaise with local and international vanguards and custodians of quality assurance to enhance the university’s competitive advantage.
- Integrate agreed international standards into the work of the University towards building a world class ,progressive and high ranking institution.
- Be an active member of relevant committees of senate and boards with specific responsibility for policy determination and oversight on standards of academic, operational,student welfare and support services.
Director of Communication and Marketing Department : Mr. T. Mpofu

Director of Information and Communications Technology Services(ICTS): Dr. V. Maphosa
- Implement the approved Information and Communication Technology strategy of the University and initiate changes to this strategy, which exploit emerging technologies to enhance the value and benefits to the University community.
- Initiate strategic developments in the Information and Communication Technology arena, including implementation and management of the University information management systems and planning, purchase and management of hardware and software that meets the needs of the University.
- Take line accountability for the outputs, activities, and management of the Information and Communication Technology Services Department.
- Exercise full authority over the Information and Communication Technology Services Department budget, within the framework laid down by the University.
- Maintain relations with the diverse stakeholder groups as regards Information and Communication Technology, and ensure strategies are in place to respond to identified campus-wide needs and provide capacity building opportunities to user groups.
Director of Institute of development studies : Dr C. Mabhena
- Spearhead the research mandate and development thrust of the institute.
- Design, develop and manage the institute’s programmes.
- Conceptualise and formulate policies in terms of the university strategic plan
- Develop strategic plans and oversee their implementation
- Forge and maintain university- community linkages that champion local economic and social development through research and development.
- Lead and guide high level , multi disciplinary academic and professional staff.
- Fund -raise and manage resources prudently; and be able to mobilise international resources and research grants for the institute.
Director of Graduate School Business : Dr. G. Nani
Design, develop and manage graduate and executive development programmes
Conceptualise and formulate policies in consultation with the Board of Studies
Develop strategic plans and oversee their implementation
Fundraise and manage resources prudently
Establish and maintain collaborative relationship with Executive in industry, Commerce and the Public sector
Lead and guide high level, multi-disciplinary academic and professional staff